Thursday, July 29, 2004

a bout me (my life)

    I am a girl, I am 15 years old ,I have 2 sisters, Najma is one of them , I have great father, he is a doctor and agreat mother, she is an engineer. we live in mosul a city in the north of Iraq .
My grandfather  is a scientist and an enginreer proffessor, he and my grandmother and my cousins and my relatives  lived in Baghdad, we travelled to see them every  summer and we have a good time.
My big sister is married and I dont have a brother therefore I share most of  my time with Najma(talk, fight, cook and laugh) she is realy funny, but we are different. I love what she hates, she loves what I hate. all my friends look to me as some one lucky to have a sister like her, and you certainly agree with them. In all my life I was the one in control, but suddenly !!!! oops, what happened ?????? :(  all the things went  out of my control .
what happened ??? I dont know !!
I feel that I am special, I look to the life in a different view than you do, I love life, I love people, and I wish the best to my family and my friends.
The hero of  my childhood is my grand father. He is a wonderful man I cant describe him. I saw him last week and  I missed him from now. I want to be like him .
Because I am the youngest in my family I look like (cinderella ), thanks god for every thing ............


  1. I took the test. my weblog owns only 6.25 % of me. Isn't that good?

    Sisters always disagree at this age. I was the opposite of my older sister. We're now best friends.

  2. Hey Fayrouz,
    My blog owns 50% of me. I'm afraid he'll own all of me soon...

  3. Anonymous7:52 PM

    You're nearly the same age as my son, and seem to have the same amount of joy and optomism, regarding life and family. I hope you hang on to that, forever.
    My older sister and I used to argue a lot, but now that we are older, with children of our own, we are best friends.
    Take care, and keep laughing and loving.

  4. Anonymous7:53 PM

    You're nearly the same age as my son, and seem to have the same amount of joy and optimism, regarding life and family. I hope you hang on to that, forever.
    My older sister and I used to argue a lot, but now that we are older, with children of our own, we are best friends.
    Take care, and keep laughing and loving.

  5. Anonymous9:36 PM

    hi hnk
    I am your dad.
    Me and your Mam are very proud to have such nice and inteligent doughters. You, Najma and your older sister are the best things I have ever know.
    Thanks good.


  6. hnk,

    That was nice of your dad to drop you a comment. He should be proud to have you and Najma as daughters.

    Stay safe.

  7. Anonymous11:41 PM

    hi hnk i think u have great life with you family
    iwant to tell u that my weblog is 68.57 is mine is that good or not.

    good bye
    your friend

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