Friday, July 16, 2004

Iraqi Society of cancer patients& their friends (ISCP) friends.

In Mosul twelve Iraqi doctors decided to create a society (Non Govermental Organization) to take care of cancer patients, they call it Iraqi Society of Cancer Patients and their Friends (ISCP friends) , this society have dreams and purpose to :
- give help to the cancer patients to acheive the best possible life for them, and to rehablitate them for better quality of life.
- give help to hospitals and  to cancer treatment centers to make them more able to give medical treatment to the cancer patients and to provide them with some appliances necessary to them.
-Publish papers and articles to educate the people and the patients and there families about cancer and the ways to prevent it.
-Early detection, treatment and paliative care in every possible way.
This society has just been formed and hasn't started its work yet. They are waiting to find an office.


  1. That's so cool. I'm sending your dad my best wishes and hope for his project to succeed. Please, keep updating us about this project.

    My mom is a cancer survivor. I hope everyone else survives this disease.

  2. This is wonderful! Do they have contact with cncer doctors in the US? Here we call them oncologists. They specialize in all forms of medical treatment for patients with all types of cancers and diseases of the blood. Is there any help that they need in increasing their knowlege regarding current research, American Journal of Oncology etc. I am a retired nurse and am willing to try to help if there is any way I can. Using google for oncology would be a place to start.

  3. Anonymous7:51 PM

    I was blogging around for sites relating to prostate cancer when I came across your site and just wanted to say how great it looks and congratulations on a job well done.

    prostate cancer

  4. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Actually It's a great idea to have a non governmental society for all of those cancer patients, to avoid some payments that not include some government issues and stuff...
