Tuesday, July 13, 2004

mountains in the north of iraq Posted by Hello


  1. Now, this is an outstanding picture.

    Good job with the camera.

  2. nice picture your blog is so beautifull

    i love you

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. dear Tom,
    thank you for your comment, and I hope you liked my blog and visit it frequently. best wishes to you and to your family.

  5. dear hnk:
    that picture is very beautiful you are the best.

    best regerds

  6. Hello HNK,
    That's an interesting photo. See the jagged rocks
    on the right side? At one time, those rocks lied flat beneath the earth's surface, formed by a deposit of sediments over time that likely became metamorphosized.

    Then over the years because of various movements, the rocks were tilted upwards.

    Then there was a shifting of the earth, and they were thrust upwards out of the ground, where they are today.

    But because that rock is composed of different layers of sediment, the softer material was eroded away,
    and that's why you have gaps in it.

  7. hi Dagney,
    thank you for your comment, I hope you liked my blog and come back soon,
    its realy wonderful nature in the north of Iraq.

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