Tuesday, August 03, 2004


لكي تسمع اغنية "موطني" من كلمات الشاعر ابراهيم طوقان والحان محمد فليفل ,اضغط على اللينك

مَــوطِــنــي مَــوطِــنِــي

الجـلالُ والجـمالُ والسَّــنَاءُ والبَهَاءُ

فــي رُبَـــاكْ
فـــي رُبَــاكْ

الحياة والنجاة والهـناءُ والرجـاءُ
فــي هـــواكْ فــي هـــواكْ

هـــــلْ أراكْ هـــــلْ أراكْ

سـالِماً مُـنَـعَّـما وَ غانِـمَاً مُـكَرَّمَاً

هـــــلْ أراكْ في علاك

تبـلُـغُ السِّـمَـاكْ تبـلـغُ السِّـمَاك

الشبابُ لنْ يكِلَّ هَمُّهُ
أنْ تستَقِـلَّ أو يَبيدْ
نَستقي منَ الـرَّدَى
ولنْ نكونَ للعِــدَى
لا نُريــــــدْ لا نُريــــــدْ
ذُلَّـنَـا المُـؤَبَّـدا وعَيشَـنَا المُنَكَّـدا
لا نريد بل نعيد
مَـجـدَنا التّـليـدْ مَـجـدَنا التّليـدْ

مَــوطِــنِــي Readers who are interested:
like my new page on facebook : IraqiGirl Diary
Contact me on : hnk1989@gmail.com


  1. thanks Nimrud, you are a very good friend, and can I ask you a question? are you male or female?
    and where were you all these day, when I need a support,
    with out you and fayroze, I am nothing :(

  2. Hi hnk,

    I remember this song very well. I started singing it while reading the words. Thank you so much for posting the link to the song.

    We're all here to help you. And we LOVE your blog.

    Stay safe,

  3. Anonymous8:22 PM

    good job, hnk
    your blog is great

  4. Anonymous8:31 PM

    wots wrong with u palestinians man?? masha'Allah we go to all these protests for ur freedom here in London, we stand up against teachers when they cuss... proper defend u, then u slap slap slap all the way. lovin saddam's ass...the guy who murdered 6 million children under his rule, then u go round expressing ur hate for iraqis. so much for arab unity... the anthem has been ours for years... stop crying bout it.

  5. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Hi Hnk,
    My name is Mariam and i am one month older than u.We share the same dream.But i was born in Nassriyah.I am in Australia but i have visited Iraq Last year from 8/3/2005 to6/6/2005 and it was the best 3 months of my life.Ilooked everywhere for this. I have been looking in google for 2 days and if it wasn't 4 u i would never have found it.thnxs alot hnk

  6. أتذكر أنّنا كنا نتعلم هذا النشيد في المرحلة الابتدائيّة في حصة الموسيقى والأناشيد.

    لم أكن أعرف مؤلفه حتى الآن...

  7. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Hi hnk i would like to thank you for putting that song "Mawtini" because i tryed to search on that song and i didnt find it anywhere ecept here so i would like to thank you again brother...one more thing you no that Iraq has alot of songs about the country,example "om el me3arek" so if u can find this song or any song that relate to Iraq country..and i would be thankfulll...thanks

  8. Anonymous8:15 PM

    عشت يا وطني يا عراق

  9. Anonymous8:00 PM

    عاشت العراق كريمة عزيزةمعززةحرة مستقلة وعاشت بلدي سوريا اخت العراق وحفظ كل بلاد العرب والمسلمين من كل شر وحفظك انت من أي شرووفقك في حياتك ومستقبلك ودراستك ودمت لأخ لك مغترب في اسبانيا.

  10. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Enjoyed a lot!

  11. Dear Sister and all the friends


    Please follow up the link and you will find my page.


    I will be grateful if you could contact me soon.

    Best Regards

    Sarmad N. Aqrawi

  12. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Greetings to All Iraqi Patriots...
    I'm proud to be from Iraq and all that it stands for as country of freedom fighters and well-doers...
    True Iraqi patriots are all good-hearted and generous people..
    And when u come to think of it...all that's happening in Iraq now is the the downside of helping and defending "people" who we thought are worthy of standing up for!! So, to that "palestinian girl" I say: Why don't your people get the hell out of "OUR IRAQ" and let us live in peace! You should be ashamed of what you said...so instead of having the nerve to tell "US IRAQIs' to go and find "OUR OWN ANTHEM"..why don't you go find yourself a real home and another kiss-ass murderer to fight for your F...... rights... MAWTINY was ours first anthem...in case u didn't know...iraqi's sang it long before your parents were born...and I don't think u know a thing about being an Arab citizen, because if u did...you should've known that an Arab poet is a poet for all Arabs..he wasn't written in your name....Just like your people think that "Iraq" is yours to destroy you piece of shit!!!!!!! My hat goes off to the person from London and his words that say alot..."PALESTINIANS DON'T DESERVE PALESTINE"..... ASH IL IRAQ HURRAN ABBYAN....

  13. Anonymous5:44 AM

    وين عراق امبارح وين عراق اليوم انا ابكي دما كلما سمعت كلمات العراق دون ربطها بالعظيم لانني اعرف ان العراق عندما يذكر فيقال "العراق العظيم" انا ابكي على حالهم وعلى حال المسلمين لا استطيع ان ارى صورة العراق على التلفاز او على اي بوستر لانهو يكون مغموسا بالدم وانما ادا اردت ان اتذكره فاتذكره بقلبي...........

  14. Am jordanian,
    i a gree with what have been said about that "Moteny" poem was stollen, it is a palestinian poem, and palestinian people cosider it as there National anthem.
    and i wanna tell Mr."Anonymous" that Jordan starts to SMELL after u people came and brought ur sluts,drugs and bad shitty habits along with you.
    u should tell ur people to get the f*** out Jordan, and to find them selfs some tents or cabins to live and spread thier deseases inside.

  15. احب العراق

  16. Op. Dr. Onurkan İdacı Ankara estetik cerrah olarak bir çok estetik ameliyatını Ankara ilinde uzman ekip ile estetik operasyonları yapmaktadır.

    Burun şeklini ideal açı ve ölçülere kavuşturmak için erkek kadına ayrı ayrı modellerde planlanan ve aynı zamanda ihtiyaç varsa burundan nefes alma güçlüğünün de düzeltilebileceği lokal yada genel anestezi altında yapılabilen cerrahi işlemdir Burun Estetiği Çankaya.

    Silikondan yapılmış protez kullanılarak cerrahi olarak meme hacminin arttırılmasıdır. 60 yıldır dünyada uygulanan en sağlıklı Meme Büyütme Çankaya yöntemi meme protezidir.

    Lazer liposuction Çankaya konvansiyonel liposuctionun lazer teknolojisi ile birleştirilmiş halidir. Konvansiyonel liposuctionda yalnızca cilt altı yağ dokuları kırılarak dışarı aspire edilirken, lazer liposuctionda aspirasyon öncesi ve sonrasında açılan aynı delikten girilerek dokulara lazer enerjisi de uygulanır.

    Karın germe Estetigi ameliyatı aşırı kilo, gebelik ve benzeri sebeplerle sarkmış olan karın derisinin cerrahi olarak çıkarılması işlemidir. İşlem sırasında ayrıca gevşek olan karın duvarı da sıkılaştırılabilir.

    Günümüzde baş ağrılarının önemli bir kısmından sorumlu olan Migren ameliyatı Çankaya genel hatlarıyla, baş bölgesinin duyu siniri olan trigeminal sinirin dallarının belli bölgelerde sıkışması sonucu ortaya çıkan, başın çeşitli bölgelerinde ve değişik paternlerde görülebilen, sıklığı kişiden kişiye değişen ve mide bulantısı vb. gibi bulguların da eşlik edebildiği ataklar tarzında baş ağrılarıdır.

    Meme dikleştirme Çankaya Kadınlarda meme sarkması, gebelik gibi edinsel sebeplerle oluşabildiği gibi gebelik yaşamamış kadınlarda da biraz daha ileri yaş döneminde olmak üzere, yer çekiminin etkisiyle meydana gelen kaçınılmaz bir süreçtir. Gebelik ve emzirme döneminde hormonların etkisiyle büyüyüp şişen meme dokusu, ekstra ağırlığının etkisiyle hem meme cildini esnetir hem de dokuyu taşıyan bağları gevşetir.
