Friday, August 13, 2004

I live in a rich country, Iraq is one of the richest country in the world, One of our treasures is dates,we had 20 million dates tree before the war,We appropriated second degree after al-arabia al-sudia in the number of dates tree.
Dates grow in the south of iraq more than in the north,coz dates need the heat and light to grow and also it need water and humidity which we have it in the south of iraq.dates are very usefull to us, it is one of the fruit which had been mentioned in the holy Quraan, and Muhamad the messenger of god advise us to eat this created fruit. So,On september this fruit will ripen. and it will be available in the market. Posted by Hello


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Don't they look appetising in that wonderful basket.

  2. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Hmmmm, looks delicious! I've always liked dates but you mostly get dried dates in Germany... recently I've tried some dates that were (almost) fresh and much juicier... wonderful :-) I bet they're even better when you get them really fresh on an Iraqi market!
    That's interesting about the South being so much more wet and humid than the North. Zeyad mentioned it a little while ago but I forgot... So, the South is probably where you grow tomatoes as well?

  3. Anonymous7:58 PM

    anonymous was me :-)
    GM from Germany

  4. thanks Gm for your comment
    Mr J oh yeah I eat dates and I like it, these day I ate 7 dates in my breakfast,and by theway this supject is my idea not najma's idea but I always listen to her advice.
    oh feride I know bar7ee, halawe, khistawe, and other kinds of dates, my grand father who live in baghdad have two dates tree, and I like her dates more than the other, but I don't know whats kinds of dates that he have.

  5. I have to agree that bar7ee is the best. Abu-khaseeb in Basra is known for this type of dates.

    They look so good in that basket.

    For the folks who wonder what does 7 represent in the word bar7ee. It's a substitute to an Arabic letter that's not in the English alphabet. You could pronounce the word as /berHee/ with stressing the letter H when pronounced.

  6. hope you don't mind me asking, what sound does 3 make? i've seen people use it as a substitute letter too. i kind of have a sound in my head when i read it, but i always wondered how it really would sound.

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