Saturday, August 07, 2004

we and the key

today, we went out of our house, ( me,Najma,my big sister,and my mother). any way, we went to make shopping, and we bought a baby's stroller. after that we went to the shop. and we bought ( ice cream, candies,....) .
any way,after we finished the shopping,We took my big sister to her house and came back to our home. We should open the door but where is the key?? ..
"hnk do you have the key?" my mother said
"no mam I dont" I said
"Najma do you have the key?"Mother said
"sorry mam I don't" Najma said
oh ... ooooooooh where is they key ???????
We decided to go back to my sister to see if she has it, coz she was the one who locked the , We went to her house and we were sure that she has the key . But ,She doesn't , She told us that she doesn't remmember if she locked it, and she doesn't know where she put the key .
We went to our home again and looked there and here , Maybe we'll find it, but no we didnt . So , we were so angry . Najma and my mother began to wash the garage and then the car and water the plants. When I looked at them, One thing came to my mind. where is the camera??? I looked by the window to our house ,And saw the television and our computer and said where are you ????????
We have to wait for my father to come to our house and open the door, We called him and waited for him to come. ooh we have ice cream !! , and we have finger chips . We ate them ,after that the time passed slowly, slowllllllllllly .,I looked inside the car and searched, maybe I'll find the keys . after one and a half hours, my father came to the house and opened the door . haaaaeeeeeeee finally we are in our home.
but until now, we didn't find the key.
ya rabi rah nakull razalah walah lah ???
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  1. Anonymous2:22 AM

    ya rabi rah nakull razalah walah lah ???

    And what does it mean?

    HNK's reader

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    we r evry day lose our key of the car or of the house but we found it
    hnk sfriend

  3. oh no! did you ever find the key?

  4. no Emaigr , until now we didn/t found the key.

  5. At least you had ice cream and finger chips to eat whil waiting on your dad to come and rescue you.

    Finger chips are called "French fries" in America.
    I like thin finger chips.

  6. Nas,

    They're called "finger chips" in Australia. I had to learn to say "French fries" after moving to America. I'm not sure where the term came from.

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    Very Interesting blog you got here...And the image look nice!! I hope you see the key though!!

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