Saturday, November 13, 2004

dear america

Don't ask me any question about what happened in Mosul, I am really tired of Life.

I didn't go to school from Tuesday. Because the situation is so bad, Thank you America for your help, You made my life more difficult than it was, more worse than it was and more scared.

I should ask you a question: what do you do if some one entered your house with out permission?, "enter by force"?
Tell me what do you do?

I will be a lier if I tell you I can't sleep last night because I was so sad, the truth is I can't sleep because the Americans was bombards our neighborhood.
What should I say, I have so many things I want to write, but I can't.

Till when we must follow what the America says? Till when we should follow their orders ?

Who is America? Ha???

We have the oldest civilizations, We have oil, And we have the capability to rule our selves.

We don't need America to decide our future, We don't need it anyway.

I respect the American people who is not with the war, I respect the American people who love Iraq and want the peace, I respect the American people which my parents talk to me about. ( My parents lived in America 20 years ago, and they admire American people, but not those people who came to Iraq, not them, My parents was surprised when they saw American soldier's character)

Tomorrow is a holiday it will be Eid al_ fitr,because your help I we'll stay in home all the day. And don't go any where. You know why of course
if you didn't offer your help, tomorrow can be one of the best days in my life.

But You help me ... you help every body in this word to destroy their own countries.

But believe me it's time to help your self.


  1. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Why not blame the terrorists who are running around today destroying your city? Here's a hint: It's not the U.S. troops doing that.

  2. Dear HNK, It is good to vent your feelings on your blog.
    I am so sorry the terrorists moved into Mosul and hope they will soon be subdued. If you can, be thankful that some of the suffering Iraqis in Fallujah have been found
    in the torture chambers, released and are getting medical attention. Please do not give up on life. I have not lived within a war zone, I hear the sounds of combat on the news and cannot imagine how frightening it must be to be living in the midst of this. Vent your anger and frustration and then stay close to your family. You are in my prayers. I pray that this will soon pass and you will be able to resume your life in peace. Stay safe and know I will continue to have you in my thoughts.

  3. Hi hnk,

    I'm just glad you and your sister are okay. Is maas okay? I haven't heard from her since Tuesday.

    I am really sorry to hear about all of what has been going on in Mosul - I've been following the news closely from here since the trouble started there on Wednesday. I would probably be angry too if I were in your position.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today.


  4. Anonymous1:44 AM

    I realize that your situation is bad, HNK. I cannot know the fear you are experiencing right now. But I ask you, if you see someone being attacked, should you intervene? If you see someone being killed, should you intervene? If you see someone being raped, should you intervene? If you see someone being robbed of their humanity, should you intervene? All those things were happening under Saddam's regime. All those things were being done in Fallujah and Najaf(when al-Sadr was in control). We are not perfect and we do and will make mistakes. But I am sorry HNK, we could not sit by anymore and watch. The people who are fighting now would roll back the clock and put the same kind of regime back in power.

    I pray that things turn out all right for you and your family.

    Lynnette in Minnesota

  5. Blame the criminals who percieve freedom and democracy as unIslamic. Post-war Germany and Japan in the 40's didnt have the ridiculous religious overtones that pervade Iraq today. Believe me, they got blown up a thousand times worse than you have, then rebuilt under the common goal of becoming a productive nation for ALL its citizens and the world. NOT just those who subscribe to a certain brand of religion.
    Its obvious that the Iraqi's who were directly or indirectly in Saddam's back pocket hate this war, and those who werent, love it.
    Question government, question religion, and the ultimate worst case scenario: question a religious government... AAAAHHHHHHH NIGHTMARE CITY!!!!!!!!
    The CRIMINALS (and yes, even if they say Allah Akbar, they are still criminals) blowing up your town want a Taliban-like state, or to reinstate the dictatorship. If thats what YOU want... then sorry, cant help ya.

  6. Anonymous6:34 AM

    But why is she only angry with the Americans? The insurgents are not just fighting Americans. THEY are killing children and kidnapping and beheading. What does that have to do with battleing troops? Who brought the fighting to Mosul?

  7. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I am sorry HNK for what America has done to your country. America should never have invaded Iraq. There was never any reason, never any justification. You are right, America is sick and it needs to help itself. Please do not give up. Hold tight to those who you love and keep hoping for a better tomorrow.


  8. I blame the terrorists too,I don't like american soldiers, I don't like sadam, I don't like anyone hurt Iraqi people.
    the only thing that I belive in is God, he is the only one can help us.
    sorry, maybe I don't thing like you do. but the situation that is happend around me push me to write that.

  9. Anonymous5:20 PM


    i remember what it is like to be a 15/16 year old girl. those years are hard enough, and yet you have to live those years through a war. please believe me when i say this won't last forever. once your country can defend herself against the thugs who are hurting it, we will leave. i'm sorry you have to live through this. i hope you can find it in your heart and mind to understand the US is only there to help you and your country.

    Please keep posting. Don't be afraid to speak what is on your mind, after all, it is YOUR blog. I know you are frustrated and understandably so, but please remember, the US is not your enemy. May God be with you and your family.

    Canuck in Tennessee

  10. great , great , post you said what in ours hearts ,hnk
    i am in the same case

  11. Dear Hnk,

    It's ok to vent your feelings. We love you and your sister. You two are so special for many of us.

    I know it's hard not to celebrate Eid. It happened to me few times during Iraq-Iran war in Basra. Remember, you're still young and there will be many Eids to come.

    Don't feel silly about yourself for writing us a post. We actually worry when you girls don't write everyday.

    Take care and stay safe. Please tell your dad not to leave home when there's a shooting of any kind.

  12. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Just passing through and here's my opinion - I think we should have left Iraq be ruled by a dictator.

    It seems the only way of having something resembeling an ordely society there. Right now we should just get out of there and let there be civil war.

    Why should we spend billions and billions building up their bridges, roads, schools, etc. trying to get them have a decent, elected government?

    It ain't going to work, the people there are nuts. We have problems over here that could use the money.

    They need someone to rule over them with an iron fist and keep them in cages like in a zoo.

    Bush was an idiot for going there, I voted for Kerry.

  13. Anonymous10:25 PM

    I feel bad about what I wrote above, it came across worse than I meant it. Please delete it if you want.

    In my town, I have a friend who was wounded over there, and there is another who was killed who I don't know.

    I can imagine being in your situation I might blame all the men with guns around me, whoever they are.

    Despite everything, I hope you stay safe and things somehow work out - it would be a wonderfull miracle.

  14. Anonymous10:42 PM

    i wanna say someting to some commenters...

    i'm very angry~ how can someone say to her like that? she's been now under war. She has been frightend by war. of course, it's not clear who is the first providing causes. but if you are in her shoes, how do you feel with those comments? someone's post here may let her put down hope more... than war do.
    please, convince her or discuss with her in same situation, not in this situation...

  15. Anonymous12:42 AM

    hey HNK, im sorry sorry for you, as usual, im turning 15 in a few days, and im trying to coem close to understand the way you are feeling.

    I speak to everyone who has spoken about HNK's feelings toward americans. Can you blame her? do you actually have any idea what its like have you town or city invaded by americans, or even terrorist. I know if it happened to me, the first person i would blame would be america. Its only natural. Your opinion, is your opinion, no amount of comments against your opinion, is going to change it. I admire you greatly HNK, to be 15 and putting up with the pressures of a teenager, and pressure's that war brings. I admire that you are able to write exactly how you feel, even though there are alot of people that do no agree.And I admire you for keeping strong in you faith through all this.

    I just want to ask, what is going to come out of all this war? When is this war going to end. Eventually the troops are going to be withdrawn from Iraq, then what is going to happen? Is Iraq just going to be left?

    I wish you all the best HNK for you, your family, and your friends, especially Mass.
    I wish you peace, and how you have a nice Eid :),


  16. Keep on writing and keep on smiling. Your thoughts are load and clear. The world must know them.
    In Holland we had a girl whose name was Anne Frank she wrote a complete book when she had to hide in a house. Web-address:

    You must be as tough as she was.
    Keep on laughing and wondering,

  17. I can sit in the safety of my own home and comment because I dont live in a society like this:

  18. Hi hnk,

    Most of us here have never experienced what it's like to live in your shoes. We've never been kept awake at night by the sound of bombs, gunshots, and explosions, never had to stay home from school because it's too dangerous to go, and never been prevented from visiting our relatives for fear of being shot on the way there.

    By the same token, I think that none of us here have the right to lecture you about how you should or should not be feeling. You have a right to be angry, you have a right to be sad, and you have a right to publish your views about how you feel. In fact, it's healthy for you to talk honestly about how you feel and get it off your chest. I just hope things calm down in Mosul soon so you don't have to be miserable anymore.

    Sorry to hear about how you spent the first day of Eid stuck in your house.


  19. Anonymous8:59 AM


  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Jimmy, with invading Iraq the United States made an enormous mistake which allows no excuse.
    Firstly the "free world", The USA as first sanctioned Iraq with the UN-embargo for years and with the embargo this world punished the Iraqi people and the Iraqi children by the lack of food. Yes it was Saddams fault, but America must have known better.
    Pointing out history of the pre Saddam times is trying to find an excuse for the horror of an average man, woman and child.

    Yes Hnk, it might be better when American/Britisch attacks on the terrorists have ended. But for the time being stay in your house like Anne Frank did for 2 years.

    Hnk, your thoughts are well written and your english is excellent.
    we hear from u soon.

  22. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I do not know how to respond to your post, but I'll try my best. Sometimes religion can be used as a tool of greed and control. I would like for you to read about the Salem witch burnings. In Salem Mass. during the 1600's many innocent people were tortured to death in the name of religion. The problem was that the settlement was founded on theology doctrine. The religion is what governed everyone. This is why it is very important to separate church and state. There are many religious fanatics in your country who do not want this. Their ideals are for everyone to share their views on religion, and anyone who believes anything else is a threat. They will be your friend if you share thier views, but if not, they will oppose you. Nobody has identical views. Ten people can read a story, and all ten of them will understand it in a different way.

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