Saturday, November 27, 2004

Flag from arabian country

Iraq Jordan Kuwait
saudia Qatar
Oman morocco Palastaine
algeria bahrain Egypt
Syria Tunis Yaman


  1. Religion on the flag?? Thats not freedom, thats descrimination. Agree or disagree, people will open their eyes to that soon enough. Are people who refuse to allow religion to interfere with their lives or push it on other people ineligible for freedom in Iraq? How about the ones who simply march to a different drummer spiritualy? Will they be persecuted? threatened? harrassed? coerced? Will the government condone it? You got to admit, its a legitimate question. Its no ones place to tell you when what where or who to worship. ESPECIALLY the government.

  2. I like the way that the flags wave. :) I have seen the Iraqi flag before, but I have not seen the other flags. It is interesting how some of them are very similar to the Iraqi flag. Could you tell us the meaning of the different parts of the Iraqi flag?

    Thanks for allowing comments again.

  3. Hnk, I'd like to comment on the first reaction you got on the flags.
    I don't understand the why he reacts on this so furiously. I'd like to tell that person that history must be considered in the type, the character of the flag, religious symbols.
    In Europe the Swedish flag for example has a quarter turned christian cross. Know that Sweden has Muslims, Jews and non-believers too. They all can live there freely.

    Hnk, a nationflag is symbol for a nations unity. The Islam unified many countries in the middle east. So it's quite normal to have your signs on the flag.

  4. Jan -
    Study the despicable human rights track records of the countries represented by theses flags. But hey, its part of their "culture", so I guess that makes it alright huh? Dont blame me for speaking up for people with limited or no voice due to their "culture".
    Get down to the core of which countries of the world support peace love and co-existance, and which ones support institutionalized apartheid based on religious division. You can guess where the countries represented above rank.
    World peace anyone? Some parts of the world are pushing for it, and some are pushing against it. You decide. Personally, I would recommend a solid understanding of the seperation of church and state, hence my original comment. Some people see pretty flags, some see symbolism.

  5. Cultfree:

    This is neither the appropriate time nor the appropriate place for this type of political rant. hnk is a 15 year old girl living in Mosul, and has had to endure some horrible experiences over the past few weeks. While things seem to be better in Mosul now, and hnk is back in school, I am sure the feelings and fear she spoke of in her last few posts are not far below the surface. Berating hnk about the symbolism of her country's flag at at time like this is both insensitive and inappropriate; like telling someone you don't like the colour of the paint on her house at the same time as the house is on fire and the firemen are trying to extinguish it.

    While I have never met hnk in person, I am quite certain she has more urgent things to worry about right now than the symbolism of Iraq's flag. Also, she obviously put some real effort in digging up flag images to use in this post (some of which were new to me too), and I really don't think she deserved to be slapped down in such a cruel fashion as you have done here.


  6. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I just found your blog but have followed many other Iraq blogs for several months. I am impressed that a 15 year old girl can post comments about her feeings and experiences in war torn Iraq. My two sons are 14 and 16 and their lives revolve around sports, going out with friends, rap music and least of all, school. You have had to grow up quickly and wonder what your future will be whereas theirs is assured. I am so sorry our government is under the influence of neoconservatives who thought invading Iraq was an easy proposition. They understoood nothing of your culture and people. Americans are often naive, vain and always into quick fixes. We proudly state "we are #1" in the world and now don't need anyone to agree with us. It frightens me that we get 4 more years of this type of thinking. I see a fair amount of comments are from well intentioned people who think we are going to "save" you and your people. I think they envision Iraq becoming a mini carbon copy of the U>S> if only you'd go with OUR plan. Americans believe we can achieve anything! Iraq may prove them wrong. I am sorry for the mess we have put you in. A concerned mother and concerned citizen of the world

  7. Apparently the colors of the flags are the same because the orginate from the "Arab Revolt Flag" (circa 1916):

    "Sharif Hussein designed the flag of the Arab Revolt on June 1916. The Palestinian people raised it as the flag of the Arab National movement in 1917. In 1947, the Arab Ba'ath Party interpreted the flag as a symbol of the liberation and unity of the Arab nation. The Palestinian people readopted the flag at the Palestinian conference in Gaza in 1948. The flag was recognized by the Arab League as the flag of the Palestinian people. It was further endorsed by the PLO, the representative of the Palestinians, at the Palestinian conference in Jerusalem in 1964."

  8. Hnk, be proud of your flag. No matter what anyone else says.

  9. Asalamu alikum
    7abibti How are you ! i hope you are fine. Allah M3aki!.
    I am praying for you. You're strong to keep the struggle going!, i hope what had fallen in Fallujah doesnt happen to your city!.Keep it Going sister! Have patience and forebearance! for Allah is with the Patient!

  10. sister you forgot the "Somali" flag, or maybe you dont know that its an Arab country

  11. Anonymous2:15 PM

    phoenix, you're a fool. somalia is a member of the arab league, but they are not an arab nation. only a small minority of people in somalia are arabs, similar to iran and afghanistan. learn your facts

  12. Anonymous3:56 PM

    hey rich santer, what do you thing the palestine is?
    go back to the history and read about it's people, are'nt they Arab!!!

    I realy want to kill you rich santer.
    hnk did the right thing when she closed the comment.

  13. Anonymous8:22 PM

    I found what you said in your comment was inappropirate, i dont understand how you could be so horrid about a simple post with pictures of flags??
    But i guess its ok if america and great britian which are both two countries with english and their main language. Or the fact that in a u.s dollar bill it says "IN GOD WE TRUST" how come thats not discriminating towards non-belivers? if your Hindu you still have to use it?? thats not freedom?? Or in the british national athem "God save the queen" again why isnt that said to be discriminating??

    Hnk said before she hasnt travelled the world and doesnt know of outside influnces. People dont be so cruel to each other by calling someone a fool, just becuase you dont agree with them

    HNK i would personally advise you to remove your comments area, so people can be so insensitve.

  14. Anonymous11:59 PM


    Good Job!
    Keep up the good work.
    and may we all fly the flag of freedom.

    Don from Dallas

  15. cultfree:
    chill out man! its just a friggin flag! if not for the given examples of sweden and the USA, take into consideration the british flag! CROSS OF SAINT GEORGE, ANYONE? but noooo.. since you're so busy stuck up ranting about every crescent you see around, you just missed that freedom goes both ways!
    and richsanter:
    Palestine did not become into the state of Israel until 1948, now prior to that, what was there?
    anyways, since now even GW and his bunch are paving the way for a palestinian state by 2009 or so, your worries are solved, and that flag is still valid!


    smell ya later.

  16. Richsanter,
    She didn't accidentally put it there, she know it is there, and wouldn't have posted the others without it.. Believe it or not, Palestine is the Palestinians land, the Israelis are just homeless people who don't have a land to call home!! And who said they were a nation, Israel is just a name of a prophet I think(PBUH) and you made everyone hate this name!

  17. hey you anonymous out there , you 'd better stop throwing insults at me. You;re the fool if there is anybody who is. somalia is an arabic country and its considered one. i guess you dont see the arab world map. somalia is one of them, you'd better check your facts. but its seems to me that you have already lost a part of your brain, so it would be diffcult for you to manifest.

  18. Anonymous4:58 AM

    It depresses me that Cultfree seeks to supress religion in the public sphere. I suspect that Cultfree does indeed want to change the Swedish/British flags & remove the word "God" from American money. There are Americans who think this way. See:

    Personally, I think removing religious symbolism from flags is a bad idea. But I still wonder why so many Iraqis seem to prefer the Iraqi flag with religous writing on it. Most of us here already know that was not always the flag of Iraq, Saddam only adopted it after the Gulf War in 1991. hnk-don't Iraqis associate that flag with Saddam? Why is it so popular? Why don't Iraqis use a pre-1991 flag?

    Bahrain & Qatar's flags look very similar.

    Regarding the Palestinean nation-a nation is any self-identified group. If they see themselves as Palestineans, then they are Palestineans. Doesn't mean they have a viable nation-state. Its like the Basques in Spain, the Cherokee in USA or the Tibetans in China.

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  20. Anonymous8:50 PM

    well, I like all the flags but the thing is that there are some arabian countries' flags missing. The total arabian countries are 22.

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