Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Hello everybody...How are you?

Today was a normal day in the school. I had an exam and I did ok, I had A French lesson, and I couldn't understand what the teacher said. I was absent-minded all the time. I know that is not good but what can I do, I heard the sound of bombings and bullets so that I couldn't understand.

When I say" today was a quiet day that does not mean there is no bullets or something like that, when I say today was a normal day that does not mean there were no explosions,because if there were no bombings, it's not a normal day.

It is easy to learn the English language, because my parents and my sister can help me. But in French, no body can help me.I really have a problem with French, I can't pronounce anything correctly. And it is so hard to write something in french, there is one word that has 12 letters!!

These days I have a big grief, every night I have a nightmare, my nightmare today was: our taxi driver who take us every day to school kidnapped me and najma, and took us to somewhere dark......

I will write to you again
wait for me


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Dear Hnk,
    I live in California and I watch the news every day to find out what is happening in Iraq. My nephew is a soldier who was sent there and he wants very much to help Iraqis. We pray for peace and for the Iraqi people. God bless you and your family. We are all with you in spirit. Be safe.

  2. Hi hnk,

    French can be difficult to learn - I learned that language when I was in high school too. The trick to pronouncing words in French is you need to hold your tongue further forward in your mouth than in English. Some of the letters are different than English too (you roll the letter "R" in French with your tongue, but in English you just form the "R" sound with your lips). If you can get some movies or television shows in French you can watch, it can help you get better at pronunciation. The hardest part is, if you really want to understand French you need to try to get yourself to think in it, not just translate it in your head.

    I'm sorry to hear about your nightmares. I can't say I blame you - you've probably dealt with more stress in the last year than most people deal with in a lifetime. Keep in mind, nightmares are usually manifestations of thoughts you were thinking about just before you went to bed. If you find a good book, and read it for half an hour or so before you sleep to take your mind off the stressful things, it may help you sleep better - just a suggestion.

    Kind regards,

  3. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Hi Hnk,

    Learning French is hard enough, but to try to do it in the situation that you are in, must make it almost impossible. I don't blame you for being distracted. I am sorry to hear about your nightmares. I think that is the minds way of working out the worries we feel during the day. Shawn has a good idea. Something to distract you from that worry(like a book), might help.

    I hope soon that you have an "abnormal" day. Take care.

    Lynnette in Minnesota

  4. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Im so sorry HNK to hear about the nightmares you have, i couldnt possible imagine what you're going through, but i pray for you. Im learning french too, and german. for me german is easiest to pronouce, and the words are similar to english, wereas i understand french better, the find it hard to pronouce, espeically as i cant roll my tounge!
    have a nice day


  5. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Hello hnk,
    I have been a visitor to Raghda's blog for a while now. I love her cat pictures. I would like to thank you for writing about your life in Iraq. What we see on the TV News in America really does not tell us anything about what it is like to live in Iraq now. However, I have been reading a couple of other blogs written by Iraqis: Healing Iraq and Baghdad Burning. The stories that these writers tell have sometimes made me sad. I am sorry to read that your daily life is filled with bombs and bullets. You must feel scared much of the time. I wish that there was something that I could do to help stop the violence in your country. I tried to do something on November 2. I cast my vote for John Kerry for President because I believe that George Bush has made some very bad decisions that have harmed many people in Iraq. But, he has been re-elected. Well, I think that most Americans, regardless of who they voted for, wish for peace in Iraq. I certainly do! I wish you good luck and pleasant dreams. :) I will visit your blog again.


  6. thank you all, I will follow your advice shawn.

  7. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I have been reading your sisters blog for a little while now and decided to read yours as well. I also am having my 15 year old son read it, when he thinks that he has a bad day, it makes him remember the struggle that other people are going through, is far worse than his own. I think that it keeps him grounded...I pray everyday for peace for Iraq and the safety of your family as well as ALL the people of Iraq. God bless you and keep you safe.....and I will wish peaceful sleep for you as well, I hope that your nightmares will stop!

  8. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I just came across this blog and saw a post aboutfrench quarter landmark hotel. This reminded me that I learned french recently with this:french quarter landmark hotel Maybe it can help someone else.

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