Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Some thing wrong

Good morning,
It's eight o'clock in the morning , I know I should be at school, but the bridges are closed and there is a curfew .
At about 6:45AM, we heard plenty of bullets and explosions, I was checking my information because I have a history examination. My sister called us and said, please don't go to school. By then, we didn't know that the bridges are closed. But when we know we decided not to go to school and we began to call our friends and relatives and tell them not to go out from school or work.
So, I will not go to school, I will not take a history exam, huh.

Yesterday, I was unlucky in my examination *ooof* My marks are not good like the years before, any way I did my best and I understand the lesson and that's enough like my father said" I should not care if I have a bad mark when I understand the lesson"

I read this poem and want you to read it

When I Say...I am a Muslim

When I say. . .I am a Muslim,
I'm not shouting " down with Christians and Jews."
I am whispering "I seek peace,"
and Islam is the path that I choose.

When I say. . . I am a Muslim,
I speak of this with pride.
And confess that sometimes I stumble,
and need Allah to be my guide.

When I say. . .I am a Muslim,
I know this makes me strong.
And in those times when I am weak,
I pray to Allah for strength to carry on.

When I say. . . I am a Muslim,
I'm not boasting of success.
I'm acknowledging that Allah has rescued me,
and I cannot ever repay the debt.

When I say. . .I am a Muslim,
I'm not claiming to be perfect.
My flaws are indeed visible,
but Allah forgives because his followers are worth it.

When I say. . .I am a Muslim,
it does not mean I will never feel pain.
I still have my share of heartaches,
which is why I invoke Allah's name.

When I say. . .I am a Muslim,
I do not wish to judge.
I have no such authority
My duty is to submit to Allah's all-encompassing love.

I hope you liked it.


  1. Asalamu Alikum..
    Nice poem...Allah M3aki

  2. hi hnk i also didnt go to school
    and the poem is nice
    thank you

  3. That is a very beautiful poem. I'll copy it and give it to friends to read here in Vermont. thanks hnk!! And I'll pray that peace may be with you and your family and friends.
    Ted B

  4. Hnk,

    I was worried about you, Maas and Najma yesterday. I felt better knowing you stayed home today. Hey, you don't have to worry about that history exam for a while :-)

    That was a beautiful poem. Good choice girl.

    I love the picture you've chosen for your portfolio. In my mind, I see you as a happy person. I hope you stay that way.

    Stay safe and hopefully you do well with your next exam.

  5. Hi hnk,

    Sorry to hear about you being home from school. Like Jeff mentioned, you probably heard about the attack on the American base there - the news here said they were launching a major crackdown on "insurgents" in Mosul, which is probably why the bridges are closed.

    That was a nice poem, I'm glad you posted it. I find it interesting that you could have done a search-and-replace to swap the word "Christian" for the word "Muslim" in that poem and it would be reflective of my beliefs also. Christianity and Islam are very similar in most of their beliefs and values.

    I hope you enjoyed your unexpected break from school.

    Kind regards,

  6. Hnk, your father is a wise man. Understanding your lessons is more important that making a good grade. My favorite teacher was my Latin teacher in High School. She taught us a famous ancient quotation in Latin. The translation is "We learn not for school, but for life".

    The words of this poem, about what it is to be a Muslim, sound very good. Other religions speak of peace or compassion or understanding. However, words mean nothing if people do not act upon them. I have known many people who claimed to be religious, and yet their actions were very different from their supposed beliefs.

  7. I don't replace the word, I take this poem from this site:
    you can check it out if you want to be sure.

  8. Salaam HNk

    That's a nice poem. It's good news that you are all safe.

    May Allah be with you.

  9. Hi hnk,

    Sorry if I wasn't clear before - I wasn't suggesting you replaced the word. I was just saying that the poem is very close to my own beliefs also (if you change it to put the word "Christian" everywhere you see the word "Muslim").

    I hope all is well with you and your family.

    Kind regards,

  10. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Hi HNK,
    That was a beautiful poem. Sometimes, I think, with all the news coverage of the Osama bin Ladin's, Al-Zarqawi's and others who use a religion for their own purposes, we forget what it is really all about. Thank you for reminding us so beautifully.

    Take care.
    Lynnette in Minnesota

  11. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Greetings Hnk!

    The poem is beautiful and I'm so glad you posted it! As others have mentioned, the words of the poem are equally true in expressing what Christians believe. It is unfortunate that many people choose to focus on the differences between Muslims and Christians, instead of choosing to focus on our shared beliefs. Whatever a person focuses on (thinks about and talks about) becomes magnified in their mind. If the majority of Muslims and Christians (all together there are over 3 billion of us) would focus on our shared beliefs, therefore magnifying what we have in common with each other, it would help to generate trust, compassion, and peace.

    California, USA

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