Thursday, January 06, 2005

this me again

Hello people,
I know I should be studying now, My mother gave me an hour to have a rest in the Internet.
I had 3 examination I got well on them and now I have 14 exam in the 10 next days" I need your prayer".On Saturday I have a history and mathematics examinations.

I was just thinking I don't saw my uncles and aunt from 3 months ago " note: they live in Mosul too, but in the other side in the town"

The situation is so bad these days, last night when I got to sleep I was thinking how a silent life that we was lived before, No explosion no bullets " that is strange"
Now we can sleep with a loud sound, they didn't prevent us from sleep because this sound became some thing Normal, some thing we heard it all the time like the sound of bird. I saw that's night when we heard the sound of explosion, Aya didn't wake up . is she brave or what?

I was looking at iraqblogcount and I found this new Iraqi blog<>


  1. I am glad that your exams are going well, hnk, good luck with the rest of them! I hope that you will be able to see your aunts and uncles soon. It is so easy for me to drive across the city where I live to see my relatives. It is hard for me to imagine how it must be for you living in Mosul. Aya is indeed very brave and so are you! :)

  2. Hi hnk,

    I always found it a good idea to take regular breaks from studying to do things you enjoy: after a while, the studying just seems to go in one ear and out the other, but after a break I used to find I was better able to absorb information when I went back to studying.

    Good luck!


  3. Hi hnk,
    It's great to get to read another of your posts! And I agree with shawn, a break (wether from study or work) is good and clears the head so that it's easier after. I hope studying was easier for you afterwards! Heartfelt prayers to you, your family and friends!
    in Vermont

  4. Anonymous12:33 AM

    your sister should change her blog site to

  5. HNK,
    Your father's blog from Mosul is interesting.
    The fact that your sister and you haven't
    acknowledged that it's your father's blog is more interesting.

  6. Hi hnk,

    I hope you did well with your history exam. I'll leave you alone till you finish all your exams.

    My prayers are with you. Stay safe you and your family.

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  12. Anonymous1:43 AM

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  14. Anonymous2:00 AM

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  15. Anonymous10:34 AM

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  16. Anonymous6:27 PM

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  17. jai just pour faire ton attention a nouveau blog iraqien

    qu'est ce que vous pensez
