Saturday, April 09, 2005


Yesterday was a really bad day. It began as usual. The first course we had physics examination and I get 25/25. The second course we had a history examination (It was the last history examination In all my life). After that we had a geography.
The teacher entered the class and I ask her a small question and she said
- I will not answer you because last examination that you have done I ask you and other girls If you had a mobile and you said NO and I knew that you had but you didn't accept to take me it.
-(I said) I don't have one
- I know you have. I was not sure but know I am.
I asked her to check my bag to because from my saying, but she said (may be you don't take it with you today but that day you did)
after a long of speech. I discovered that I am a liar and I don't listen to the teacher's order
ah. I swear that I don't have a mobile and I didn't take one with me into the school.
But what could I do and I didn't. I tell her the truth that I don't have one but she didn't believe me.
After that I began to cry and my friends (well not only my friends, they were all the girls in my class) came to me and said that they know that I don't have one, and they ask me not to listen to the teacher's .
well I am feeling so bad till now. ( How poor??)
Today I wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning and after I pray (صلاة الصبح) I began writing and studying my home work but I stopped at 7:30 when The electricity turn off so I slept till 10 o'clock. After two o'clock we went to the north with my uncle and have a great time there but when we came back home there was a surprise waiting us.
We reached the traffic light, there was a burned car with parts of it everywhere.. The windows of the bakery were all broken, and the policemen didn't let us go in the street because the Americans were coming to pass through it. The policeman told my father to not using this road and go back but my father told him that our house is there so the policeman said this is your responsibility . we went back home safe. but it was a really bad surprise.


  1. That's really tough luck about school, HNK. Maybe your parents can talk to your teacher? No one after all should be accused without evidence. Keep safe.

  2. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Seems like life is returning to a somewhat normal place in your part of the world.

    Keep studying hard and may peace always be with you.

  3. Dear Hnk,
    Please don't be discouraged by what your teacher did. You know that you told the truth. That is what's important! I agree with JB3, you should discuss this with your parents. I'm sorry to hear that you had such a bad surprise. I hope that it will not happen again!

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Yes. my mother told me that she will come tomorrow with me to talk to the teacher .

  5. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Anyone would feel horrible if the teacher accused them of something and it wasn't true. My son is in 11th grade and his history teacher shut the door in his face because the bell rang as he got to the door. The teacher was fed up with other poor students who would arrive late. My son is a good student who was never late before but he suffered the penalty because the teacher was trying to set an example to others. My son felt horrible and depressed all day and when he came home. I emailed the teacher who felt sorry for by son but he explained his frustrations with others in his class. In hindsight, it made my son a stronger person, but it was very upsetting at the time. Also, just want you to know my son tries to get an A in Physics and did the first half of the year but tells us it has gotten harder and he won't get an A again. We tell him to work harder and keep at it. He too worries and gets frustrated about not getting A's. Love to read your blog. A midwestern mom

  6. Anonymous7:53 AM

    How odd, my sister had a really similar thing happen to her last friday. The principal said he saw her talking on her phone during lunch but she didn't have her phone with her. After school when she did have it she called me to tell me about it but I was heading to a military base for a weekend of training and I forgot to take my phone out of my pocket so my commanding officer got really mad at me. Anyways thats just my random cell-phone problem story. I'll be praying for you.

  7. Haram!hnk. better go to that teacher and tell her that you dont have a cellphone or she will have that type of stereotype(that hnk is bad and she doesnt listen to the teachers bla bla bla ) and maybe spread it all later to the other teachers that you aren't a good girl. A similar story had happened to me when i was in the 11th grade, it wasnt sooner until i lost everybody's trust.Do it as soon as you can. Tell her that you dont have one and even if you had you wouldnt take it with you to school and that you arent that type of girls who "cheat"

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