Tuesday, June 07, 2005

yes, I am blaming again

Bad electricity service that we have here in Iraq couldn't give us more than 4 hours in the day. In lucky days, we have 7 hours of electricity at the most level.

That pushed my dad to buy us a light that works on battery, so we can continue our homework after the generators turn off. Every one in the family has his own torch.
This my mother's:

my father's:

my and my sister's torches:

mine is the blue, my sister's is the red.

Well, I remember my father when he bought me this one. I was so happy (really happy). It is the most useful thing that you can spend your money on.

And this one with a fan too is kept it in the living room:

But that is not enough for the country which doesn't have electricity most of the time. So we have this one:

what we used before we bought this? Good question, this is what we used before:

And this is another picture of our suffering, Najma talked about it in her blog and said
This is the electricity traffic light, it's in the entrance of our home, just before the door... The green light is for" the electricity is on". The yellow is for "the neighborhood generator is on". The blue light is for "the neighbor's generator is on"... Each family has its way to know the kind of electricity they're having...Well, we have a traffic light.

Mosul family's blog and our new post" Moslawi News" on dad's blog.. Readers who are interested:
like my new page on facebook : IraqiGirl Diary
Contact me on : hnk1989@gmail.com


  1. Anonymous1:37 AM

    How big is that traffic light? Is it something small or is it this big thing stuck on your wall? Very interesting.

  2. HNK, in response to the commentator before (who is certainly entitled to their opionion), I want you to know that it is because of Muslim bloggers like YOU that I have come to see how positive Islam can be when good loving people practice it. I still remember when you posted the poem on "When I say I am a Muslim" some time ago. I found it very thought-provoking.

    As for your electricity, that has been the most shocking thing I have learned about Iraq. I can't imagine having electricity only a few hours a day. Last year there was a big blackout in the upper United States and there was no electricity for two days (especially here in New York) and it was very hard to get through those two days for me and everyone I knew. It seems to me if the US wants to really help Iraq rebuild they can start with generators that will provide electricity 24 hours long for neighborhoods. I think I'll write my congressman about it. If all Iraqis had electricity all the time then maybe everyone would be recieving changes for the better and not just pockets of areas of Iraq here and there.

  3. hnk,

    I love the lump picture.

  4. *deleted comment about freedom of religion was here*

    Jack, I think the problem with electricty is pretty well known. It wouldn't hurt to write your congressman though. I've seen many stories on the news about how big a problem it still is. Some areas actually have more reliable power than they did under Saddam, but many aren't even that good. I know it's a priority... it just seems like it's really going slowly for some reason.

    There was an internet article I read about one of the teams doing power upgrades. The spokesman said they are not repairing the old power grid, but replacing it instead. Because, in his words, "the old power grid was crap" - that could be why it's slow going. But it will be much better in the end.

  5. Anonymous7:27 PM

    You have alot of these stuff, We have alot too, but not for private use, we use one , when it finishes , we use the other and that way..

    The Grandson

  6. Yes, I delete what anonymous said
    And I want to talk,
    Do you heard this real story :
    A man was taking a walk in Central park in New York. Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull dog . He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl's life.
    A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: "You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: "Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl"
    The man says: - "But I am not a New Yorker!"
    "Oh then it will say in newspapers in the morning: 'Brave American saves life of little girl' " The policeman answers.
    "But I am not an American!" - says the man.
    "Oh, what are you then? " The police-man asks.
    The man says: - "I am a Pakistani"
    The next day the newspapers says: "Islamic extremist kills innocent American dog".
    I don't care of your choice to not be a muslim. But I do care of my destiny. I didn't have a good and happy life"and that was not my option". but I do have option to choose how did my destiny will be, so I choose to be happy, I choose to be a muslim from the first second I borned to the last breath Inshallah.
    And I have a comment of what anonymos said about muhamad: I love muhamad more than my parents more than any personne in the word. when I said any personne I ment it, but certinly I love Allah (n.of God) more than Muhamad.
    And plz, don't attack my religion. Because I don't attack yours, and I though you should respect what I chosse to be instead of bother me (and that is what mohamad taught us)
    to me
    < mohamad is the leader of humanity>.

  7. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Thanks for posting the torch pix, HNK!

    I guess it's only with a sense of humor and a LOT of ingenuity that one can maintain a sense of NORMALCY in Iraq today... God bless you all.

    Please take care.

    Love, Tilli (Mojave Desert)

  8. hey, grandson, why you are not posting? I visit your blog again and again without finding new post...

  9. Hi Hnk,

    Last night, the air conditioner was broken where I live. I was miserable! It is very hard for me to sleep in the heat and humidity. But, while I was having trouble sleeping, I thought about you. You have hours without electricity every day. My problem was very small compared to yours! So, last night, I lived a little bit in solidarity with you. Americans are so incredibly spoiled! We have so much and we mostly take it for granted (we don't appreciate what we have). Today, the air conditioner is working again. I can hardly imagine what it will be like for you this summer! I really hope you get some more electricity soon!

    You have a lot of good lanterns (what you call torches)! I have a few flashlights and also a propane lantern that I use when the electricity goes out. Here, that rarely happens, but sometimes when there is a bad lightning storm, the power will go out. I see that your lantern is bigger than Najma's. :)

    I think it is really neat how you have "traffic lights" to signal where your power is coming from. :)

    I am amazed that someone translated your blog post into French! I think that you must be famous. :) I see that this person has translated many of your posts. I think that you may have a fan club in France. Some day you will go on tour, make speeches, and sign autographs! :)

    I don't know very much French. I know the meaning of "oui", "merci", "mademoiselle", and "messieur", but not much more. I don't know any Arabic. I think that you are probably smarter than me Hnk! :)

    It is easy for me to understand why your family talks about Aya after she visits you. Aya brings a sense of wellbeing into your lives. I think she is very important in giving you a sense of hope, also. Aya is too young to understand what is happening in Iraq. All she knows is that she needs your love. The giving and receiving of love can be a very stong healing medicine!

    I am happy to read your blog. Please keep writing! :)

  10. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Hi HNK - that story you said about the Muslim in New York Central Park is a joke and not factual. I challenge you to produce a link to such a report. There is none. I see you are easily fooled by anti-west and prejudiced articles.

    Regarding your deletion of my post, let me tell you that you have gravely "insulted" my religion of free speech :-). Please do not insult my religion. ;-)

    But you know what, I am so sure of my religion, that I do not mind at all. My religion is acceptable of you and is tolerant. I would never censor what you have to say. I will never censor your religion, and I will even protect and defend you in irrationally believing in your religion - no matter how senseless it is.

    On the other hand, Prophet Mohammad married a 6 year old child, and slept with her when she was 8 years old. This is a fact and reported by many Islamic historians.

    I am not trying to "bother" you. The problem is you are so unsure and doubtful about your religion, that if somebody criticizes your religion, you have to fight back (through censorship). I think the problem is with people who get bothered.

    So go ahead and censor my post again. I will not get offended, even if it is against the law and agaisnt my right to free speech. But criticising Prophet Mohammad, or making fun of him, is not against the law and such speech is actually protected by my right to free speech.

    And criticizing Islam which is an idea or Mohammad who is a historic figure is not the same as insulting or attacking their followers. By making fun of Mohammad, I am not attacking you.

    Behnam Arsalan, an Iranian Muslim.

  11. Hnk's joke about the Pakistani guy in Central Park was one of the funniest things I've read on a blog, and I thank her for it.

    Anonymous, I don't think what you said about Islam was very funny. As a Christian, I was offended that you would represent MY religion with that kind of hateful speech. If it was intended to be funny, it wasn't.

    Freedom of religion is considered a basic human right, you know? If you really have to insult somebody, please keep religion out of it.

  12. Behnam, you are certainly entitled to your thoughts and I agree with you that the freedom of speech and freedom of religion are VERY important things.

    But to say HNK broke the law or violated your rights because she deleted your comments is not true. This is HNK's blog, she can delete who she wants and she doesn't have to have her religious sensibilities insulted. You may not think you did that, but she did and thats her right. On her blog, she makes the rules.

    Anyway anyone who reads this blog knows HNK is a very open-minded person who doesn't discriminate about religion. Based on what I've read, Mosul has always been a very ethnically and religiously diverse city where people of all faiths have gotten along for centuries. HNK has said one of her closest friends is a Christian. I don't think she is "unsure or doubtful", as you put it, about Islam. She takes her religion very seriously but I think if all truly religious people (of any faith) were as nice as HNK seems to be the world would be a better place. But that's just my opinion.

  13. So Benham, you kept on criticizing Mohammed (PBUH) and then
    signed with "An Iranian Muslim"??!
    Being a Muslims means that Mohammed is your prophet! I think
    your comment IS a joke, or it is something sillier than any normal human
    can understand!

    Free speech is not a religion, but rather a part of it..

    One of the basic teachings in Quran is to 'think and question'.
    Obviously, there has to be a limit to how "free" your speech should be.
    Keep in mind that "Your freedom ends where my nose begins".

    And if your freedom includes insulting my prophet and my
    religion which I would gladly defend when possible, then damn your freedom!

    Just because you are "free" to say something without punishment, doesn't mean it's okay to say it.

  14. Mohammed (PBUH) does not need to be defended or religion either, as these things are of the mind. There is only one person in all the world who is in control.

    "sticks and stones can brake my bones, but words can never harm me"

  15. Anonymous4:00 AM

    ...they can also *break* your bones...

  16. Thank you Anon...this to is of the mind and as it slips away it seems I am the last to know ;o)

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