Sunday, July 24, 2005

days of my life (up date)

Ok, listen to this story, I was so happy and I decided to write a nice post. But unfortunately before I save my post the computer Stop working like someone freeze.

And now I am angry.
Don’t teach me how to save the post and how to use control+c and control +v because I know this information but I am lazy to do it.
So lazy
So? I will try to remember what I write and rewrite it again.
The post was like this one:
I am happy, do you want to know why.
Because khalid is return back to his home. And because I went out of house last Friday and visited my uncle's house to congratulate them about my cousine graduation. All the family were there: my uncles and aunts, their children and their grand children.
There were four babies their ( Aya and medo are 11 months old, Sama and Nora are 1,5 years old). All of them were cute and have a nice looking.
Noor is an evil girl. From the first moment she saw Sama she went to her and pushes her, she is the third child and the two children before her are both boys. After she pushed Sama,Nora's mother took her a way from Sama and Nora began to cry:)

After that Medo and Aya were playing in the ground, Nora came to them and tried to attack them in every possible ways. All the moms took their child away from each other’s.

The funny things that happened there that my mother put her food in her chair and went to take Aya from dad to feed her, she took Aya and then she sat in her chair where she put her dish, wher her food. I shout Maam ! And she said in a cold voice: what?
OH my God. Her clothes became terrible with all that food. " Heh..heh"

As you know last week Raghda visited us for tow days. She slept with me in the same room. I spent good time with her. Especially at the night when we went to sleep and talk with each other about every thing. I can talk with Raghda about things that I couldn't't talk about it with Najma.

Raghda fell in love with my bear toy. She slept with it and she took pictures with it. She really likes it. I hope she enjoy her visit to us.

the telephone conection between Mosul and Baghdad is cut from 6 days and that is not a good news to hear but we have internet and we can contact with my relatives there by it.

Ok I have another funny cartoon, I hope you like it

see you soon
with more family news


  1. Hi Hnk,

    That is great news that Khalid was released and returned home! I am happy for you that you saw many relatives and that you had fun. I think maybe Nora is not an evil girl. She has two older brothers. I think maybe her brothers beat her often. Maybe she tries to fight back, but she is too small. Since she can't beat her brothers, she takes out her anger on children smaller than her. I have seen this happen many times. Children who are beaten at home come to school and beat other children.

    Sorry to hear about your mother's accident. I am sure that she did not laugh! I had a similar accident when I was a kid, but not with food. I had just finished building a very nice model airplane. I put it on my bed as a safe place for it. Later, I came in the room and sat on the bed. I had forgotten about the model plane and I sat right on it! Ooooo, I was mad at myself!

    I'm glad that you enjoyed Raghda's visit. Its great to have someone close to talk to about anything. :) I hope the telephone will be fixed soon so you can call her.

    Take care

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Raghda told me about your bear toy... I have one too.

    This is my bear's picture :

    Is it nice?? I love it soooo much.

    I haven't seen Mosul before... Some day - ان شاء الله - I'll visit you there.

  4. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Hi, it sounds like you had fun at your uncle's house, I don't know why Nora was doing that. I hope to hear from you soon.

  5. I've happy you've continued to blog, HNK. I don't think Nora is that bad, little children everywhere pick on kids younger than them - mostly just because they can ;)

    They generally grow out of it. As for the incident with your mother, I know how it is, the same thing has happened to me. At first its embarassing but later on you realize how funny it is.

    I'm glad you had Raghda over to talk to, friends and family who you can trust to tell things to are the best things one can have.

  6. Hnk, your bear looks very cute in the picture! :) I think he looks like some other animal besides a bear, but I am not sure what kind.

    I looked at the cartoon, but for me personally, I did not find it very funny. I guess that it would fall into a category that is called gallows (a place to execute people by hanging) humor.

    I have written a new post, but it is a sad one. As always, you are welcome too visit.

  7. Anonymous4:21 AM

    I think your animal is a rabbit. I liked your cartoon. It was funny.

  8. Thank you HNK I had a great time with you and Najma, I really loved your beer, well this cartoon is funny very funny I would like to see more...

  9. thank you all for your coments
    And you well come

  10. I find it strangely refreshing that a blog about Iraq has so little about the battles we had in Mosul. I like people to see that there is a semi-normal life happening for some in Iraq. Keep blogging!!!

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