Thursday, September 01, 2005

I 'm back

hi all,
I was in Syria for about 12 days and then I went to Amaanfor two days only and I returned back to Iraq before three days.
I couldn't write last days because I was too busy.

First of all, when we were waiting in one of the check-point I ran towards my dad, one of American dog bark I stopped running but I falled on the ground and I twistted my ankle. My ankle swelled and became blow, my trousers tore and I looked awful. The American soldiers felt sorry for me so they bandage my ankle. Anyway It was the first good thing I saw that American soldiers do.

As I said I went to Syria.Syria is a beautiful Arabian country. I didn’t see a beautiful country like it before. I didn’t visit any country before but it was enough for me to see it. I also dreem of living on it. Syria’s people are so kind and cute, I f you talk to one of them you can feel in love and you just want to hug this persone.It's a nice country and it have a nice people too.
I advice you to visited it some day.

Before two days my mom called her parents and my grand ma told her that my grand father is sick so my mother go suddenly to Baghdad to look after him and see him. And she call us today and said that he is getting better and he is fine .

Here is some picture we took it when we were in Syria:

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  1. Welcome back! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip!

  2. thanks programmer for your comment. Yes I have a wonderful trip that I will not forget it all my life*I think*

    hi libby :)
    my ankle is better now but it's still hurt me sometimes. There are many shop like the one you like, I knew that you will like this picture because it is a part of Arabian's civilization.

  3. Welcome back, HNK! I'm glad you enjoyed your trip. I'm sorry about your ankle, I've twisted my ankle in the past so I know how much it can hurt. I hope it gets better.

    Those pictures were wonderful. Syria looks like a beautiful country. When I read you and Najma's account of your vacation it occured to me how little I know about Syria. In America of course we hear a lot about Iraq and Iran and Saudi Arabia and occasionly about Egypt but rarely about Syria (except for the Lebanese troop pull-out). It sounds like its a safe country for tourists as well. I know they have a lot of ancient churches and mosques and of course Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the world.

    I hope your grandfather gets much better as well.

  4. Great trip... beautiful pic's and certainly you won't forget this journey of your life...
    from travelling people get more understanding.
    take care,

  5. Hi hnk

    I'm really pleased you enjoyed your holiday. It's always nice to travel and see different things and meet new people.

    But I think it is especially important for you because I know that you have often been unable to go out of the house or travel freely because of the invasion and occupation. That is so unfair on a young person growing up.

    I'm glad you had a chance to "stretch your wings" a bit in Syria.

    Look after that ankle!


  6. Dear Hnk,

    I am glad to read your new post. :) Syria does look really beautiful! I'm glad that you enjoyed your trip there. If you really dream of living there, then I hope your dream will come true some day.

    The old castle looks really interesting. I always enjoy exploring old buildings. The jewelry store has some very beautiful items! I would probably buy one of the small colorful containers as a souvenir. Who is the guy in the street with the red hat? Is he a musician?

    Thanks for sharing your pictures. I enjoyed them. :)

  7. You think Moslawi's can learn a thing or two about enjoying life from Syria? (if peace were to prevail!)

    Welcome back my dear! You post all too irregularly, and I love reading your posts :)

    how come I can't comment on your new post?

    hope thinks are ok and your ankle is better!

    Love+Harmony as always,


  8. thanks oliver ... and thanks all of you

  9. Hmmm, why do we read your blog instead of enjoying our life elsewhere?

    Because we LOVE what you write. We appreciate what you write. So, we find time in our busy schedule to come and visit your blog.

    I feel bad I didn't visit you much lately. Just to let you know that sometimes our busy lives take us away from reading your posts. But, you're still in our thoughts.

    Stay safe my dear hnk.

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