Friday, September 23, 2005

اكتب في مدونتي هذه باللغة الانكليزية ظنا واعتقادا مني ان كلمتي ستُسَمع في العالم الغربي ويكون لها صداها. ولكني كنت مخطئة. ولماذا كنت مخطئة ؟ هذا هو السؤال المطلوب...
عندما تكتب عن حادث تعرض له احد الاقارب من قبل القوات الامريكية و تكشف فظاعت العمل الذي ارتكبوه وهو صدمهم لسيارته وهو داخلها كانت ردة الفعل الوحيدة من قبل المعتدين انهم اشاروا له بايديهم يعني " باي باي"
عند كتبك للموضوع يرد عليك احد المعلقين فيقول لك ان تاشير ايديهم يعني انهم يعتذرون عن ذلك وهذا شيء متداول في امريكما ان التاشير باليد يعني انه اسف.

وعندما تكتب عن الاسلام انه دين التسامح يظهر لك احد المعلقين انه دين الارهاب
وعندما تكتب عن الافعال الشنيعة التي يرتكبها الامريكان في العراق يقولون لك انهم اتوا من اجل مصلحتكم ويتلون السطور بكلامهم الساخر didn't you got it that they come for you, for helping you!
وعندها يذكرون لك انهم قظوا اتعس ايام حياتهم في 11 من سبتمبر حيث انهار برج في امريكا.
انهار برج في امريكا و انهار بلد كامل وهو العراق . اي فظاعة هذه التي عاشوها؟؟؟
مئة والف مئة برج لايعدل بلد كامل... ان كان لدى العرب شيء من الارهاب فان امريكا هي مصدر الارهاب.
بالفعل سأمت كلامهم الفاضي وحججهم الواهية . فعندما ذكرتُ لهم ان حارس المدرسة قد قتل برصاصات الامريكان اجابوني انه عليَ التاكد من هذا الكلام فلربما المصدر الذي سمعت منه الخبر غير صحيح لانه وحسب ما قالوا انه يوجد جماعة تروج كلام عن الامريكان غير صحيح.
وعندما ذُكِرَ لديهم ان الامريكان قد اطلقوا النار على مرأة حامل تحججوا وقالوا انهم اعتقدوا انها تخفي قنبلة تحت ردائها ولم يتوقعوا ان تكون حامل.
وعندما اصيب احد المارة بطلق من قبلهم حين ادخل يده في جيبه كانت الحجة انهم اعتقدوا انه كان سيرفع السلاح في وجههم.
وعندما قلنا ان ما يبعثه الله لهم من اعاصير هي عقاب لهم اجابوا بنعم ان الله يعاقبهم لانهم سحبوا القوات اليهودية من قطاع غزة.
عندما رفع الطفل الفلسطيني حجارة في وجه اليهود اطلقوا عليه اسم الارهابي. وعندما رفعوا اسلحتهم و ادخلوا دباباتهم الى عقر دارنا كانوا دعاة للسلام.
أيُ كلامٍ هذا... ايُ حجج... ايُ اعذار

عارٌ على زمَنِ الحظارةِ ايٌ عار
هل صار ترويعُ الشعوبِ وسامَ عزٍ وافتخار؟
هل صار قتلُ الابرياءِ شعار مجدٍ وانتصار؟

اخر ما لدي لاقوله
اللهم فاشهد


  1. كان الله في عونك و عون اخواننا المسلمين في كل العالم.
    Ilkafir yinsor akhah, walow kana dhaleman, sowf yaqif fi safih.

    بدا الاسلام غريبا وسوف يعود غريبا مثل ما بدا.

  2. Hi Hnk-

    I think you are being a little unfair to some of your American readers... they don't like to believe their troops do the kinds of things they have been (sometimes) accused of, so they attempt to see possible justifications, or they doubt the truth of the story, etc.

    I'm sure you react the same way (at least some of the time!) when you hear stories about Iraqis that you do not wish to believe.

    BTW, no I don't speak Arabic, I heard a brief outline about what you were posting about from another blogger. So, I'm not really sure exactly what you said. I hope my reply is not too out of context :)

  3. Dear hnk's blog, My name is Ala'a and I am from the Nineveh Province of Iraq. I have started a new Blog intending to tell others what it is like to be a child living and growing up in Iraq and suffering under UN sanctions, Saddam, wars, American invasion, and now terrorists. I hope to give a voice to the millions of Iraqi children all who have suffered and many who have died. I hope to tell about their lives and share their stories so the world can know what life is like for children in Iraq. I hope you might find some time to visit my Blog . If you like what I am trying to do I hope you will link to my blog from yours and maybe tell your readers about "Children's Voice From Iraq" I enjoy reading your blog and I would be interested in any comments, suggestions or stories you might have for my Blog. I will hope to hear from you. Thank you very much! Salam, Ala'a

  4. Dear hnk's blog, My name is Ala'a and I am from the Nineveh Province of Iraq. I have started a new Blog intending to tell others what it is like to be a child living and growing up in Iraq and suffering under UN sanctions, Saddam, wars, American invasion, and now terrorists. I hope to give a voice to the millions of Iraqi children all who have suffered and many who have died. I hope to tell about their lives and share their stories so the world can know what life is like for children in Iraq. I hope you might find some time to visit my Blog . If you like what I am trying to do I hope you will link to my blog from yours and maybe tell your readers about "Children's Voice From Iraq" I enjoy reading your blog and I would be interested in any comments, suggestions or stories you might have for my Blog. I will hope to hear from you. Thank you very much! Salam, Ala'a

  5. اعتقد لو تستمرين على الكتابة بالعربي، لان هذا البوست كان رائع جدا. ومتعرفين كم واحد طلب مني ان اترجمة للانكليزي...

  6. HNK - don't mind what those people- they do not represent the majority of us who really do care about you and your opinion.

    But you already know this.

    Don't give up my dear- we love hearing from you. Please write atleast some posts in English- though Sunshine is teaching me Arabic so I will read them either way.

    hope your outlook becomes better



  7. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I fully agree with what you have written. Take care and keep up the good work!

    Peace Nadia
    (a Swedish Iraqi woman living in Sweden)

  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Dear HNK,

    Your last post has deeply moved me. I believe what you are saying, and why you feel the way you do towards a certain race. For more than 50 years the cries of Palestinians have been silenced or ignored, and unfortunately the same situation is happening to Iraqis.

    But don't get discouraged, my dear sister. You do not want to be weakened by anyone's comments. They do not understand your point of view. It is not their fault that they haven't any idea of what war's like. Although they are involved in the war, their daily lives aren't affected at all; perhaps only some of those who read the likeness of your words might sympathize with you and get a vague understanding of what war is like. That is not an excuse, however, for them to be ignorant and inconsiderate of the situation and of your opinion.

    Keep writing. Keep expressing your feelings. You don't know who will read these posts and rather than reply foolishly to them be encouraged by your words to do something positive in the world.

  10. Previous poster, are you saying HNK is a racist? I suggest you speak for yourself, anonymous person who claims to be American.

  11. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Hey HNK - you are 16 and very religious.

    You are religious because you were told by your family, friends, by the sheikh etc. that Islam is the only religion. And you believed them. Not because you arrived at that independently.

    Did you know 99% of people born to Muslims become Muslims out of fear and brainwashing and cultural programming, and not because they have reasoned it?

    I think that anybody under 40 who accepts a religion must be an idiot. God is not a simple matter to be brainwashed. In fact it is haram to brainwash. God wants to be loved not feared or be mindlessly adulated.

    I can only conclude that you have never studied any other religion, and you mindlessly became a Muslim because they intimidated you into believing something against your will. When you are brainwashed, you dont even know it, and you feel that you accepted it out of free will. But not. It is called psychological manipulation.

    You cannot reason why there is Allah and why Mohammad PBUH is his prophet. You can only unconsciously repeat what they injected in your brains.

    As a human being you should be ashamed of your narrowmindedness.
