Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy new year

Happy new year every body,
I hope this year will be a happy year for all people all over the world. I hope in the next year we will have a real freedom that we were and still dream of.
like all years before, 2005 came and went without making any change to the better. I feel eager for making a change in this world and for making a change for my country at first but here in Iraq dreams is just a dreams and never come true. Some times I feel full of power and sometimes I feel weak, with all explosions and all the violence around me, no body can ask why you feel such a bad feeling. Take Aya as example, when this little girl, who is 1 years old feel fear from the loud sound of explosions she ran towards the nearest person from her, she uplifted her hands and start beating.
I don't think so this baby know what is violence mean, but surely she realizes that this is not from angel's charity.
we are in the middle of winter. The weather in Mosul is cold we wear all the clothes we can wear and stay able to move, the water is too cold therefore when we want to wash our face we have to put some water on the heater(HEAT IT) and then use it. One of us carry the vessel which have hot water on it and pour it to other's hands.I took some picture for you. this are some of our heater that is widely used in Iraq. Aya was too confused that I was took this heater a pistures and not took a picture for her, she surely thought that I am crazy :)

Aya visited us today, and with all the red clothes that her mother dressed, she looked like Santa Claus.
Because we don't have electricity most of the times during the day, we can't depend on electric heaters. In our best state, we have an electricity 4 hours every 24 hours. But some times the electricity turn on for only half an hour.
last week when the electricity turn off. My sister Najma hurt herself when she hit her fore head with some furniture which was an electric heater. I am sure that she didn't use this heater yet this year. Anyway she shout for torch light and said that she is bleeding from her head. At that time me and my parents were sitting in the living room and there weren't any torch or any type of light near us, at that moment,all what we could do is to tell her to be patient till we find one.
well, thanks Allah that she didn't hurt too much.
Do you know that life with light is too much easier than life without it, you can't feel happy for having something till you live without it. In Fact I didn't live a day in Iraq all my life with continuous electricity .
The problem is with our homework, we have to finish it while we have a light. The Generator of our neighborhood have a program, it's turn on at 5 pm and turn off at 12 am. When the fuel is Available

I get good marks in my last examinations but I still have a big problem with my French. I have the least marks between my friends in that subjects. I really need a help so If you have any thing that you think it could help me please send it what ever it was, site or song I don't care.
I want to help myself

Oh my God. Did I wrote all that ???
be serious! Did you read all that??
thank you for reading
And happy new year


  1. Hello Hnk,
    May 2006 be better than previous years Hnk. Especially you I want to support in the tough times. You do well, go on writing. Your voice will be heard all over the world.

  2. yes Happy new year.
    One of the things I found, in many,many years of school that worked for me.
    I would ask the teacher to see some old exam questions, and also, most importantly, some of the best answers that prior students had written. Of course not all teachers have old exams or the old answers, but from those you can access, you MAY learn a lot about writting exams and what the teachers expect.

  3. Happy New Year, HNK. Your first paragraph echo my own thoughts. You have a wonderful way of expressing your emotions. I too hope the coming year is filled with peace - especially for everyone in Iraq.

    I'm glad you are doing well in school (though I never had any doubt - you are so smart) and hope Najma gets better. Take care of yourself and litle Aya.

  4. Happy New Year Hnk! :) I really hope this year will be better for you and for Iraq!

    I feel a bit sad when I imagine Aya being afraid when she hears the explosions. There must be many small children in Iraq with the same fears.

    I am glad that Najma was not hurt badly. I know what you mean about appreciating simple things when you don't have them. Sometimes when we have a really bad storm, our electricity goes out. I know it is nothing compared with your situation, but I can understand how you feel. If you are good at math, maybe you could become an electrical engineer to help to solve this problem!

    Congratulations on your good marks! I am sure that your French is better than mine! Ori vua :)

  5. Anonymous1:51 PM

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  6. Yes, hnk, your blog is being read all over the world. And such blogs help people understand the small things that are so important, that remind us of our mutual humanity and joys and sorrows. Aya must be so cute. We have electric outages here in Northern California also, but due to winter storms that push trees over and cause landslides. We get used to having candles around. This winter whenever the power goes out I have thought of people in Iraq who have lived with this for so long.
    And hope for a much happier new year for all of us.

  7. thanks all for your nice encourage comments.
    I will keep in touch as I could

  8. Happy New Year! And thank you for your kind wishes. While I can't speak for your other readers, I do follow your blog with interest. It may seem strange that your life is interesting to strangers, but our lives are to us no smaller or uninteresting than your own. I wish you and your family well for the new year. Study hard and stay safe.

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