Saturday, April 08, 2006

Just talking

Salaam for all,
First and foremost. The same reasons prevented me from posting last two week.
I was full of exams.
Any way, I am ok now because Aya is here and she will paint the smile in our faces as she always did. She will entertain us with her actions all the day.
I came up with one thing and I don't believe I'm wrong, that no body from my family can stand more without Aya.
I love her so much. I think I love her more than I have to. I sertinly love her more than I was think I'll do, I didn't think that I will love somebody as I do right now.

I am doing well in my school till now, but the next two week will be not an easy.
We will not go to school tomorrow.
Did the day 9-4 remind you of anything??
It reminds me the worse day in Iraq. The worse day that every single Iraqi live.
In the beginning, there were some people who love Us Army and believed that they came to help us but now and after three years passed. No body reach this point and didn't lose someone from his family and some people he love.

Last week, we went to the north of Iraq (to duhuk). We spent a good time there and took many pictures. We took Aya to "Dream city" she refuses to play any game. We tried and tried and she didn't accept to play. We know that she didn't visit a dream city before but we thought that she will spend a good times but it seems that we were wrong.
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  1. Hi Hnk,

    I'm glad that you have Aya to give you many smiles! :) Maybe Aya is too young for the "dream city". I am thinking that is like an Amusement Park, as we say in the U.S. I like to go to such places and ride the roller coasters. :) Maybe next year Aya will enjoy it.

    Your pictures are beautiful! I think there is a mountain goat standing in the waterfall. I guess he really likes the water! I'm glad you enjoyed your trip north! :)

    Good luck with your exams in the next two weeks!

    Take care.

  2. hnk,

    I do hope things improve there in Iraq very, very soon. It is awful seeing your country suffer like this.

    Good luck with the exams. I know you will do well!

  3. Hi there HNK, I cleaned up my study room and forgot that the reason I was saving 2 newspapers was to tell you about school here in Japan. Our new school year begins now.

    I teach in my own school and in small colleges near my home. I have papers on the floor here in different piles for each class. I teach English communication, English writing, TOEFL preparation.

    This area's season for cherry blossoms finished last week. I will have to drive or take a train north to see them now. Cherry blossoms last only about 3 or 4 days on one tree.

    I like your pictures. I may use the same service for digital photos when ever I get my blog started again. Probably in the summer.

    I would enjoy anything you have to say about school, exams, your teachers, I have taught rich children in Montessori, poor American Indians & black & white children in South Carolina USA; junior high in Georgia USA; then I became a math teacher in Calif, with a masters degree in Math and Science teaching, but I didn't go back to the classroom. I was a teacher in an research engineering lab company, adn for the US Navy. After that our family moved to Japan where I became an English teacher.

    So, yes, I am pretty old. But I always enjoy hardworking students ;-). It doesn't matter if they are high scoring students or not, for me to respect them as people.

    You know that a few years before the war, women were 62% of the population, someone please correct me if this is a mistake. So your education and the education of your girl friends is VERY VERY important for your community. However I will say, "Education without religous values, is worse than no education".

    Religion and science/education are like two wings of the bird for mankind. If a bird has only one wing, or if the second wing is crippled, the bird cannot fly very high. I know religion is getting alot of criticism by Western countries. The news now is filled with Shia killing Sunni, and Sunni bombing Shia. You know this has happened in the West too.

    The problems between Shia and Sunni are not, as you know, about the Qur'an. Just like the wars between Catholic and Protestants were not about the words in the Bible. Religion was just a way of checking the person's loyalty, politics, just like Democrats and Republicans in the USA.

    Out of all this suffering, something good will eventually come. And I don't mean "Democracy" though alot of people can't think of anything better than that. Pretty sad. No I am praying that we will learn to feel our connections with one another. Arab and American, Israeli and Palestinian, European and African, etc. This is where we are going.

    No one can stop this train.

  4. Anonymous6:46 PM

    dear hnk

    im also an iraqi and i havent been in irak since i was 2 years old (that mean 12 years since i have went to iraq). Now i live in Canada (montreal). I wish i could meet my grandmother and the rest of my family before its too late. i hope u put more pictures of iraq .Here in montreal muslims (well iraqis) plan events based on iraq and stuff yesturday they did a mahrajan (which means i kind of concert) that was based on the shouhda of iraq !! it was nice!
    anyways i have to go but it was a pleasure reading ur site bye

  5. Anonymous9:22 PM

    More photo's please. I believe you have a talent in photography.

  6. Anonymous11:21 AM

    HNK! Assalmu alikum warahmatulahi wabarakato~ Alhamdulilah you're all right.
    First of all!, i am really proud of you. I don't know why specifically but i am proud of you as a whole. Although i haven't seen Ayah, i can tell you that i love her. i dont know why. Children, especially tiny little toddlers, are like lamps in our dull and sad lives. My little brother is 10, and i dont have neices or nephews, but I know how it feels to have children around even if they are not doing anything to me directtly haha.

    I really liked that waterfall, was that a gazelle behind the water? maybe it was something else...

    I see you exams are back again.They are a nuisance. My iraqi teacher told me that the system of i3fa or exemption is cancelled from the iraqi system of education. is that true?

    anyway! best of luck~

  7. thank you all for your comments.
    Dear Rain, Al i3fa system returned working in Iraq since last year.
    salam all

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  11. Anonymous6:53 AM

    ok . i have to start by saying that i love what u have written .. i am a muslim brother from palestine and i must say that i really feel ur pains and that i hope the hell u are going through will come to an end !
    please add me on ur email and i would really love to talk 2 u sometimes .. ..
    the funny thing is that i found ur eamil while searching for pictures of "Allah" on google, so if u dont respond, i will never know who u are .... i hope to talk 2 u soon
    salam a3leikom sister, and i must say that it took a lot of courage 2 say the things u said on internet !!
    plz add me !! (or i'll never talk 2 u again !)

  12. Anonymous6:53 AM

    ok . i have to start by saying that i love what u have written .. i am a muslim brother from palestine and i must say that i really feel ur pains and that i hope the hell u are going through will come to an end !
    please add me on ur email and i would really love to talk 2 u sometimes .. ..
    the funny thing is that i found ur eamil while searching for pictures of "Allah" on google, so if u dont respond, i will never know who u are .... i hope to talk 2 u soon
    salam a3leikom sister, and i must say that it took a lot of courage 2 say the things u said on internet !!
    plz add me !! (or i'll never talk 2 u again !)

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  16. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Hi everyone,

    I looked up Dream City and there is a documentary made about the theme park. I really found it interesting how people experienced the park. It seemed to help some Iaqi people to forget there problems. If anyone is interested check:
