Thursday, May 18, 2006

what ever you try, your sky will not look like that....


  1. I have never seen so many wires blocking the sky before! Your second picture looks a lot like a plant I used to have. It was called a Jade Tree. It had very thick leaves that stored water, sort of like a cactus.

    I'm glad to hear that your father is doing well. I'm not at all surprised to hear that he has gained some weight. I have heard that French food is very good! The French probably think it is the best in the world, but they have too high an opinion of themselves! ;) I hope you enjoy your new French clothes! :)

    Is the super tiny market tinier than the tiny market? In the U.S., we have super markets, but I never saw a super tiny one! Just having a bit of fun with words. :)

    I think it is good that you can be silly. It is a sign that you are a strong person. I hope you will see your father and Ayman soon!

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    What a coincidence! Alice's little door also led to a garden. Very strange things happened in that garden, but it was not silly. And you are not being that silly either, I think. Another coincidence: gaining weight is not a wise thing to do if you want to escape through a tiny door, so indeed your dad might be safer off in France in that case ;) I'm being silly. Of course he'll come back.
    Photography is great fun, isn't it? I just bought a Canon PowerShot, just like David did. I got the idea from his blog.

  3. Reminds me of my skies too ;)

  4. thank's zappy,
    And BTW: خوش شجرة تمر

  5. the first picture, reminds me of a famous essay written about 40 years ago, by a Japanese essayist. I 'm sorry I forgot his name, (All Japanese names sound the same ;-) he said, "There is an easy way to experience the dawn of human history. The cost is almost nothing. The distance to go is almost nothing. Anyone can experience this. The only thing you need to do is go for a walk outside and then if the weather if fine, lie down in the grass and look up at the sky. It may be in the day time or at night." When he wrote that essay it was still very easy for most Japanese to walk out and away from the electrical power towers and lines. If it were night it was still easy for most Japanese to walk to where the electric lights were blocked by the trees or mountains, to look up at the ancient sky. And while looking up, realize that the sky hasn't changed tooo much since the time of the ....Greeks? well the constellations have moved, but for the average person the sky looks much the same. A towering heaven of the Almighty's handiwork. BUt now days it is pretty difficult to escape the electric lines overhead or the towers in some direction or the electric lights of buildings, and I live in a suburb area..

  6. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Best regards from NY!
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