Tuesday, June 13, 2006


This Gift is from one of my best friend, this gift is from "O"

The neckless and the card are from my sister "S"

And this is from my lovely friend "H"

This gift is the best. It's from the best mam in the whole world to the best daughter on this planet :) .
And this gifts are from my dad, he bought them from france..


  1. Anonymous8:05 PM

    What a lovely necklace! I have just come back from a trip, too, and I bought a red baseball cap with four lions and the flag of the Czech Republic on it. Mascottes, just like the Eiffel tower is a mascotte. When my parents came back from a trip to Paris they bought me an Eiffel tower just like the one you got. Enjoy the mp3-player! That is a great gift.

  2. These are some very nice presents Hnk! It seems to me that your friends and family love you very much! :)

    Have you eaten your birthday cake yet? Did it come with ice cream? :D

    Simcha, are you a fan of the Czech soccer team? ;)

  3. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Looks like you had a very nice birthday. Lots of gifts.

  4. Such colorful shoes :) I think I like those best. It looks like you had a good birthday after all, hnk... but hold out for the cake anyway :D

  5. Anonymous12:05 PM

    A very happy birthday to you, HNK!

    Those shoes are fabulous!

    -- Tilli

  6. HNK, tell me more about the plate. It looks like the surface is not smoothe, but as a sculpture.
    That would be my secret favorite, But of course the shoes and bag make you look stylish outside.

    thank you for giving a digital image that will increase the magnification.

    So, what are you going to give them in return ;-) ????

  7. I am late but Happy Birthday!

  8. Lovely gifts, HNK. A diary to write in, an MP3 player to listen to, sneakers (I love the yellow color) to walk in, a necklace to wear. That plate is beautiful and it's cool that your dad brought you stuff from France. It seems like your family and friends know exactly how to pick gifts. But more importantly the fact that such care was taken in picking them show how important YOU are!

    Happy 17th Birthday, HNK.

  9. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Hey Hnk its seun, happy belated birthday! Your presents seem really nice, especially the necklace! Ive got a minature eiffel just like that fro when i went to france from ym birthday. Except it was COLD!! and its snowed!

    Its been a long time? How are you?

    Take care, and stay safe Seun x

  10. I think you forgot some thnig important..!!!why ?why?
    My nice gitf to you??where it is ???I am the first one of your friends who give you a gift!!!
    but I didn't think that you forgot it!!!

    tomorrwo I'll see you and understand what heppen

  11. Hey at least u get presents, my family hasnt celebrated my birthday since I was 8, and Im 22 now! My family dont place much importance to birthdays, my inner child says that they're a bunch of cruel bastards but my adult side says "what the hey, its just another revolution of the planet around the sun(i think thats how years are counted, right?), if not then its just another year in some man-made Roman Calendar. Anyway keep blogging and keep ya head up. I know its easier said than done, but Iraq is the centre of the world right now, ur a heroine in my eyes. ;)

  12. Hi,

    I just read few posts of you. I like your writings.
    Happy Birthday by the way.
    I am Iranian American woman, most probably you hate both countries or at least their governments. But I am a human being like yourself and I was in Iran in war time. I underestand you and I truly paray that your country become a free country withought war, bomb, etc.
    I hope the whole world become peaceful some day not so far!
    Take care and be strong.

  13. Anonymous3:33 AM

    I like the new look>

  14. Anonymous9:49 PM

    A new look, just like your sister! It looks good. My browser seems to be having some problems with the images...
    Anyway, Najma recently reassured us that she is not dead. I very much hope that the same can be said of you.
    Take care!

  15. Nice new template, Hnk :)

  16. July 7 is a special festival day in Japan.I'll tell you about it later.

  17. The celebration of the Star Festival was a continuing reminder of the long heritage of Chinese culture that gave direction and meaning to early Japanese culture. Chine was a country of more than 65,000,000 people. While Japan was a poor country outside the capital, of about 5,000,000.

    By the opportunity to control the government and the Imperial succession, the Fujiwara family and clan started an increasing level of awareness and prid for what it means to be Japanese.

    The other important elemental influence of early Japanese culture was Kukai, a Buddhist priest of enormous talent, and charisma. The time was ripe. It was an opportunity which the government, the Fujiwara clan, could be represented by Orihime and her father, the king in this myth of the Star Festival. Kukai, the charismatic priest who studied Buddhism in China, and lived in Mt. Hiei, might be the dashing , but poor, young Hikoboshi. The two elements, political and religous would form a partnership of sorts ready to guide the culture to fit the beginning sensibilities of Japanese identity.

    The Star Festival has been celebrated in Japan on July 7th since ancient times, to mark the end of the rainy season.

  18. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Yep, sounds good to me.

    Shopping Hannah
    good deals
