Sunday, December 02, 2007

Me and my new life

I am, In my way to the future and I am living what might possible be a happy memory some day.

I started the college before 6 days and it’s... it's

It’s a life; it’s something beyond my normal life. Something wonderful, something new, it’s what I need.

We are taking 7 subject and they are:

Physiology, cell biology, organic chemistry, English language, medical statistic, Anatomy and human rights :) all in English but the last one is not.

Physiology looks interesting and amuse especially that Dr Basaam is wonderful man, he really work hard, I hold a great respect to him from the first lesson.

Next week we'll have our first physiology lab and the Dr asked each student to bring a frog with them to the lab :) I have an idea about what we'll do in those frogs but you really don't want to know. But the problem is I didn’t find any frog in our garden, I asked my entire relative to look for one for me and I didn’t get any frog yet. In spite the fact that I love Frog, I am so eager to ….*you know*.

Dr Omar who takes us Anatomy subject look good too, look like he is a popular teacher in both pharmacy and medical colleges.

Cell biology (cytology) being given by Dr. Farah (women) she is good but she talks so fast and gives us so much homeworks.

Medical statistic was my biggest nightmare in the first two lessons, I don't like her. Anyway, I studied the lessons one more time with my mom and I think I understood it inshallah.

We are about 120 students in Pharmacy College; the boys are not more than 25. The boys are so polite and quite and they are studying all the time, when we had our rest time, the girls spread in the university and went to bought sandwiches and had fun and the boys stayed in their places like an old mans who have nothing but books to read. They make me angry, why all that studying??

The most enjoying time I spent this week in the college is in the human right’s lesson. The teacher asked us to define what human right, and this question let us hear the boys’ voices for the first time ever. One commented that not all the people deserved to be called a human and this comment made everyone laugh, he really have a special idea but I don’t know why we all boys and girls didn’t control ourselves without laughing. One other boy began talking about France revolution and He said that he read book about this revolution and he made sure that everyone know that he had read a book. Talking about this revolution as an answer for every question and giving insensible answers.

During this month,

I thought a lot of me and who is really me!! And I decided that I need more time to spend with me and so I will work hard this year for me. Me, is the one that I am really don’t know, I don’t know what color she prefer? What desert she love? Which stories she like? And who is really she…

She, maybe the girl that survive,

The one that always be a live

Maybe the victim of this war,

The one who is really looking for

Maybe the rain that falling down,

The one who never want to get down

Maybe the weakest girl in world,

But not the weakest letter in these words

For the sake of me and my dreams, for the sake of that smile which was given to non but me, for the sake of my grandpa and for the sake of my country and for the sake of my religion and my God, I will be better person this year. I will find me.

I will not give up doing something to change the whole situation around me and me…. I want to know my destination; I want to draw the whole road that leading to the end and in the end I will be life in secure.

وكأن كل ما حولي مُقدِم على التغيير, وكأن كل بذرة على وشك التزهير. وكأني نفسي أنا لقيت دربا وفيه سوف أسير. ولأول مره أعرف وجهتي, و لأول مره أعرف ميعاد رحلتي ولاول مره أترك أنا غرفتي و قلمي يستبق فكرتي وفكرتي تستبق رواية قصتي وقصتي تستبق الحدث وكأنني عرفت الآن هويتي ,عرفت الآن غايتي ..بات كل شيءٍ الآن واضح.

أن شاء الله واضح


  1. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Sounds like you are enjoying most of your new life. You seem to have a new outlook on life. I especially liked the last part of your blog. You seem to have a very special way with words.

  2. Oh hnk, You seem to have grown up in just one post. :) I'm so happy for you. I loved the part about you and color. You've have enough time feeling black. Maybe now you can be a rainbow of colors.

    Polite and quite boys? They must feel outnumbered by the girls. ;)

    There's lots to study but I know you'll do your best.

    Wishing you all the best in the world.


    ps. love your poem

  3. Hi Hnk,

    I didn't know that you would start college already! I thought it would be some time next year.

    Well, it sounds like you are enjoying most of your classes so far. That's great! :)

    I had a biology class in college. We had to *you know* with live frogs. It was not a pleasant experience for me. I felt sorry for the poor frog.

    I studied some statistics in my psychology program. It was a bit difficult at first, but I caught on after a while. If you are good at math, it will be no problem for you.

    I think that the boys in your class may be smarter than the boys in Najma's class. Maybe you and the other girls can distract them from too much studying. ;)

    Good luck with your classes and I hope you will write often about how you are doing.

    Take care.

  4. Anonymous3:22 PM

    hi young woman who may yet be hnk
    In biophysics we used a rabbit... frogs are better.
    Great prose, great thoughts, but somehow, not what an 18-year-old should be thinking. Rather sad.
    The boys (men) are studying to get work to get money to build a family. You young women can afford the time to play, because the one who one day has to pay is the man.

  5. I've found that the start of college seems to be much more stressful and harder to adjust than previous events in your life. But once you get into things, it's much more relaxed and easier to handle.

    Good luck on your studies, I hope you do very well! I have lots of work to do before medical school.

    By the way, you're a very good poet and I liked that little exert that is in Arabic. Did you write that exert or is it by someone else? Who ever wrote it is very wise and very good.

    Good luck with school!

  6. I am looking forward to reading your blog . You seem to enjoy your new life in pharmacy colledge despite of bad situation . What strongly impressed me is heartful message to you from all over the world. Thanks to the relationship you and your friend on the internet , I feel the genuine friendship beyond the world.
    God bless you and this world.

  7. Dear HNK,
    I am so happy and proud for you and your new opportunities!!! Stay safe!

  8. Looks like you have a very full schedule of studies, and of subjects I would find very difficult But I was a literature major; at my college they let us take special baby-step science courses. Even then I found it difficult.
    May you indeed find your true self and a sense of safety in this world, and may you never ever give up your hopes and dreams.
