Friday, February 08, 2008

End life, killed laughter

Breathless, hopeless, and fatigue
That's what I am now..

I am between the devil and the deep blew see
and between them

I am wishing I am never be...


  1. Hey, don't ever give up, no matter how bad things appear to be. Mosul was the Pearl of Iraq, someday she'll return to her beauty. By the way, I think you have the most Beautiful looking blog in the Iraqi blogosphere. It's kind of like Iraqi-gothic. So, your own unique style.

  2. Anonymous2:25 PM

    hnk. No you are not! You just think you are! Stop thinking you are, and you won't be.
    Try to think of something useful. The present is horrible in Mosul, I know, so dream of the future - even if the future is just tomorrow. You are tough, hnk. Don't give up. Don't give in. You remind me of my own daughter. Keep going. When times are hard, go just one step at a time. Lose yourself in a book. Read what people have written long before us. Let your spirit fly. Write some more poetry. I promise I'll read it. It's ok to be sad, but try to have at least one good thought every day.

  3. Anonymous4:30 PM


    I’m so glad you posted just so we know you’re as okay as anyone could be in your situation. I feel so sorry for all of you Iraqis who are living through this hell the stupid Bush administration illegally and unlawfully caused. I wish there was more I could do than just read your blogs and spread the messages you are sending to my friends.

    Please don’t despair. You are a strong, intelligent young woman and you hold the future of your country in your hands. I hope one day someone will be able to introduce you and all the brave Iraqi bloggers to the mainstream media as the heros that you all are.

    You once wrote a post about you and Najma staying up late at night cooking and laughing and being good friends. Maybe you and Najma can find some silly things to do together to get your mind off the real world.

    It sounds like you’re so far down it’s all up hill from now on – I hope and pray!


  4. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Stay strong HNK. I know that things a very bad in Mosul now. I am sure that everything seems hopless to you. We hope that all of this violence will end soon and that life can go back to as normal as possible. Just know that everyone is praying for you and your family's safty. You are part of our family now.

  5. Hi HNK. Happy to 'see' you again even if you're feeling sad. I often think about you. Mostly, I see you studying at university or at home. You CAN do this, I know you can.

  6. We are thinking of you all the time. Just take care, and live from day to day.

  7. Dear Hnk, I am glad to see your post, but sad that you are so unhappy. I do not pretend to know how difficult life in Mosul is right now, but I have heard that things are pretty bad. Just try to keep in mind that you have family and friends who care very much about you. I hope you will have reason to feel better soon. Take care.

  8. Anonymous2:28 PM

    hi hnk, one day at a time, one day at a time. Try to make today a better day than yesterday - even by just a little. I'm sure you're a wonderful person, so I want you to believe in yourself, too. tara.

  9. she's just having trouble adjusting to college life, or maybe she's lonely, or she's in love...

    i've been to college in Baghdad, it was nothing like the Taliban-esque college depicted in the previous post.

    she'll be okay.

  10. Your fans love you HNK. I'm so sorry things are so bad. I'll be praying for you. I believe in you and I think you'll be OK even though there is so much violence and you feel like you're in a cave.

  11. here is a link to a song that I think you will like:

    and here is a link to the words of the song:

  12. Anonymous5:16 PM

    hi this is a student like u far away from india. i read ur post, and i think ur blog is as sweet as u r, i hope you ll get ur coveted life soon , and u ll see the change in d world in near future
    wish u all the very best

  13. We shouldn't live thinking about breathless, hopeless, and fatigue - believing in yourself and your capacities will help you succeed! Well... Keep in mind that we're always hiring only professional editors and proofreaders to work on your projects!
