Monday, August 31, 2009

Naseem Al_ Ma7aba

وجهٌ كسيرٌ وابتساماتٌ

كضوء الصُبحِ بَعثَرَها السأم..

حُلمٌ حَزينٌ بينَ أطلالِ النهايةِ

في ذبولٍ ...يبتسم..!!

عمرٌ على الطرقاتِ كالطفلِ اللقيطِ

يسألُ الأيامَ عن أبٍ .. وأُم

هذا هو حالُ الوطن... لـــ فاروق جويدة

We ( Arab) in general are good with words, we always said "we will " but never do...

So as an iraqi girl ( arabian girl as well ) I want to say as I said manytimes before :
I have to do something, I have to change the situation, I have to kill the bad feeling that emerges with each bad news, with each bombs and with each hope scrach.

A group of youth Iraqi Moslawi people dispose this arabian habit, they are the group of (Naseem al-mahaba نسيم المحبة). they arranged many visits to Mosul's hospitals, Orphanges, old age hospital and gave a big help for better.

I wanted to take a real step and so I joined them in their visit to the orphange this month.
I was really confuse about this visit, because I haven't been in such place before.

Before the visiting day, I prepared the gifts for the orphans, and a kind of sweet, I bought a lunch meal and my mother gave me an amount of mony as a help to be given to the orphange's master.

As a first sight, the orphange looked better than I was expected. It was Neat and well arranged.
the orphans girls were so shy in the begining.
We spent the time there by talking with the girls, playing with them and share them the lunch.
I think we both spent a pleasure and rich moments.

the girls show us their rooms, the rooms are small (somehow) consist of 4 beds and Clothes closet, but it had well looking.

there was a moment that affect on me stongly, it was when a girl sing a poem that said in one of it's chapters:

وأعني في دروسي وأداء الواجباتي
وأحفظ أمي وأبي وكل أصدقائي

which include a prayer to Allah for giving health and strong to her parents !!


Iraq, Our orphan country !! why I see you in each of this girl's eyes.
Why I see you as one of them !!

They are with no parents, with no one to hug each times they cry, with no one protect them and call him a father and with no one to be produce as their mother!!

And you are my sweety country with no real president protect you with each offensive cost you hundreds of bodies and citizen's blood ( with no protection!). You are with no (one) to be produce as your hustler, and no (thing) as your future !! are a real orphan.

And I am a citizen's orphan with no ( Country ) to be produce as my home, since home mean a place that give you peace and comfort and I am not feeling comfort !!! and



  1. Wayne4:39 AM

    I want to tell you that I admire you greatly for visiting the children who are orphans. I am sure they appreciated every thing you did for them.

    Please keep those children in your busy schedule and visit them as often as you can. Please pray for them too.

    I have been visiting your site for several years. I really enjoy your most recent articles and think you are growing into a wonderful adult.

  2. its really a very good job!! in this blessed month!! May God bless you!! thanks for being such a great citizen in our beloved Iraq.

  3. What an interesting post and what a lovely, compassionate person you are. You are a credit to your country.
    love, Libby

  4. That was all good. The photos help us to imagine the place better than words alone.

    I guess the girls would find the talk and play even more helpful than the gifts.

  5. Dear Hadia you did a great job , God bless you :)
    I tried to do the same and maybe we could meet at the same orphanage , but i didn't bcoz i was so scared to do this by myslef !

    I see you love Iraq as much as I do :)


  6. ان شاءالله المستقبل افضل
    سـ يحاولون ويحاولون و ويذهبون الى مزبله التاريخ
    ويبقى العراق

    دمتي رائعه

  7. Wayne,

    thank you for your comment, I feel lucky to have you as a reader to this blog.
    I will certinly keep those orphans on my prayer and my heart as well.


    How are you girl!!!
    Nice to see you here ^__^
    Allah bless you ..


    Ҳ̸ҳ••● Thank youuuu ●••Ҳ̸ҳ

  8. Don cox,

    Well, yes I think that too.
    They loved us, they asked us to stay with them in the house and leave in the next day ^__^

    Dr violet,

    Thank you, God bless you too.
    Yes, IT was scary to visit such a place with out any one from my family, doing this all alone and to such place!!
    But, I found it really worthy


    أن شاء الله, دمت زائرا ^__*

  9. Bless you for making those girls day a little brighter. I hope it was as rewarding for you as it was for them, and I think it probably was. Doesn't it warm your heart knowing you made others feel better, even if it was only for a day? I also hope you will make a habit of doing this type of thing. It is more than worth the effort.

  10. Average American,

    Certinly, it make me feel better.
    God bless those Girls.

  11. Dear Hadia (or HNK),
    Thank you for your post, which is intelligent and thoughtful and sincere as always. I am very glad that you and your friends went to visit the orphans. Doing something is so much better than just feeling helpless. In fact, “for what it’s worth,” maybe while you are waiting for a sign of hope for your country and the world, you already are that messenger of hope for many others in some way or another. I think that is very probable! Your story about the orphan who was praying for her parents was very poignant and sad and touching. At a school I used to go to when I was younger, which was a religious school, the priests used to encourage us to visit a house that was nearby, called St. Ann's, which wasn’t exactly for orphans but for children whose parents were unable or unwilling or unable to take care of them. I remember one little boy there whom I used to play with. One time I raised my hand to give him the “high-five,” an American gesture that means “Hello!” or “Good job!” but he flinched because, to him, it looked as though I was going to hit him in the head. That made me sad when I thought about what he must have lived with before going to the institution. But I am glad that at least he now had a place to stay. I am so glad that the orphanage you saw, even though it was small, looks like a clean and friendly place where a child can grow up healthy.
    So anyhow, congratulations, and as Sandybelle would say, what a great way to act on your ideals at a holy time.

  12. Hello John,
    I was waiting your comment ^__^
    Stay save
