Sunday, July 04, 2010

happily ever after !!

I always loved frogs.

During my early childhood, It was my habit to kill frogs in our garden using my shoes, I know it was not fun,but it was my way to reflect my evilish childhood personallity *I guess* by treading frogs one after the other

Many years later, and after I entered the pharmacy college, I learned that frog are animal being and it's the best creature we can use in physiology lab. to experience sience.
I cut out their head by scissors, and I even dissected their body, I saw their smallest anatomical parts, and I became familiar with their smell and the touch of their skin!!!

What is the interest of frogs??

Today, a microscopic frog creeped it's way into our house.

-ثم ماذا ؟؟

Sometimes, you wished that fairy tales are real stories. you wished that by kissing this frog, you'll live the happily ever after !!

Sometimes, things goes unexpectedly to be more complicated, it's not that complicated that it can't be solved, but it's complicated enough to envy the heroic princess from story for being given the easier way to get her prince and to live the happily ever after.

well, today was one of these times .

10th of July
Happy birthday
to You


  1. I also loved frogs, but I've never killed one !!!

  2. clearly, you were seeking peace !!

  3. well , no matter how things will be complicated , the prince will find his way to make the princess life more happier, otherwise he doesn't deserve to be called as a hero...

  4. Have you turned into a frog?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. HRK,
    let's hope he is the hero I expect him to be
    * O:-)*

    Don cox,
    The story said:
    the frog will turned into a prince. NOT Me!! :D

  7. If the Doc. Permits,
    MR./MRS.HRK; you obviously not understanding anything(or maybe you're faking it).
    1. Doc.& yourself said it's complicated, in fact in the way I see it's not.
    2. the prince tried to make the princess happy in his own way(but miss understood), when she felt lonely for her dear person's departure.
    3. again you're not aware of anything, to say that he doesn't deserve to be her hero, or you're just trying to burn my nerves.

  8. Doctor H.,
    It's so clear that what I did was that wrong in your scale that you won't forgive it & respond to my comment,(it's not huge wrong from the place I come from!).
    Please, don't hope but have faith, cause he told me that he( after a long contention with himself) made his mind & that she is his princess, it just a matter of time for him along with her approval.
    Well, I'll not bother you again with my words, I guess it's for the best of all & myself, but I'll be in your comment list in my soul & I'll make a move once I see it necessary, keep making us & your country proud as always its known about you A PRIDE.

  9. So you haven't watched the Disney movie?

  10. dear RAIN :

    I think that is you the only one who wasn't understanding anything , and when my self and "Doc" said COMPLICATED , we were talking about somthing that is so far to be understanded...
    so please ( I don't say please twice )don't trespass your border ...

    before i forget , you should buy a fire_extinguisher to put your burned nerves out!!!!!

  11. Hi!

    Could you please explain why your sister has not posted to her blog in such a long time? Is she OK? Is your father OK?

  12. Dear Hadia,
    It is always really nice to hear from you!
    I used to crush caterpillars when I was younger, but I am sorry now that I did. I liked frogs and tried to raise some baby frogs in a bowl (they couldn't stay in their old puddle because it was being filled in to make a football field) but I don't think I fed them the right kind of leaves and I think they may have died. (Or maybe they grew up and walked away when I didn't see them.)
    Anyway, don't worry, when your prince does come, he will be a very lucky prince to find such a princess! (I told Najma the same thing just a few years ago.)

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Don cox,
    No, I haven't watch it yet, but I it was one of my fav. story when I was a kid.

  15. waldschrat,
    My sister is ok, she is busy with her marriage preparations.

    My father is fine, and he send you his regards...

  16. Happy birthday!

  17. Hi i love to know news from Iraq and iam in Asia working as a doctor. Can we exchange links? i would like to be friends with you..Happy birthday :)

  18. Wonderful blog..I like your blog..keep posting..and congrats..

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  26. You write very well..

  27. I am honored to wander your blog. Thousands of points can invite you to my blog to be exchanges. Thanks

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  32. I am honored to wander your blog. Thousands of points can invite you to my blog to be exchanges.

  33. you were fantastic!I really enjoy reading your blog.

  34. hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

  35. hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

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