Friday, August 20, 2010

Just talking..!!

Ooops, another dozen of weeks without writing!
I know this (the absence from blog) became one of my habit but let's look to the bright side of this case;

* I am writing here since 2004 (I am 6 years old blogger!!).
For this occasion; I need a promotion!! Otherwise my faithfulness to the blogosphere will lose its continuation!!

* my evolution through this 6 years from a teenager girl who carry the world problems on her shoulder to mature girl who consider listening to the news " OUT OF MIND " behavior !!

Well, my absence is related to many causes, one of them is that after taking such a big decision in my life (the engagement decision) I decided to go along with my laziness and enjoy my decision result!!!

The other cause is related to being busy with my summer training in hospital.
I did extra days training not because of my will, and not because I am enjoying the illness smell, the sorrowful faces of leukemic children and not even because I am gaining worthy information (because I don't)..... It's all because:

when Allah gave the humanity kindness in their acts, one of the later refuse this gift!!
Thanks Dr. XXXX for making my world unhappier and unbeautiful place.
And if we were not in this holly month "Ramadan" I was going to go along talking about this, but now I will swallow my anger, hatred and Aversion and change the subject!!

Well, dear brain,
sorry for my nine hundred ninety nine thoughts that have been visiting you these days!!

Dear reader,
relax, I won't write about the 999 thoughts :)

Dear stomach,
be patient, it only 4 hours left till the iftar

Dear CNV,
find me a plan to finish my work's schedual for this month.

Dear heart,
be patient, live life and have Faith...


  1. Congratulations on turning into a 6 year old blogger! And congratulations on your engagement! I am a very new blogger, only week old, but I started my blog because of your book "IraqiGirl". You are a very brave and smart woman and I admire you!

  2. Libby6:42 PM

    I've watched the change in you through those six years. You where a sweet, caring girl who turned in to a lovely young woman.
    You've done well, be proud of yourself.

    your friend

  3. Dear Hadia,

    When you started blogging your big sister was just around the corner. Now she is going to Germany and you stay in Mosul you'll do okay.

    Your fiancee and you will make it in Iraq, in the world, which is small. Because of your blog you must have many frinds all over the world. You have a wide network I think. Keep that as a treasure of the 6 years blogging.

    6 Years ago you were a child in a warzone. Now you're 6 years older, engaged, student and a bright young lady who occassionaly writes a book. Although/Because the Americans have officially withdrawn from Iraq I hope you feel more save and free. Hopefully from now on you and Iraq can harvest.

    Hadia thank your parents they keep you save (taxi ride from Baghdad)and give you joy, happiness and education(trip to Syria, just daily life, wishdom and school)
    But above all thank yourself to write.
    Keep on writing, you're good.

    Send my regards to dr. Human, you know why! Stay friends.

    Take care

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I just finished reading your book and I just think you should know what a brave girl you are! I will be reviewing the book at some point on my book blog. I would LOVE to do an interview with you. Our blog is a group of college students who write reviews about books we read!

    Thank you for being brave enough to share your story!

  6. Thinking of you, Hadia --- as usual, thank you for sharing your adventures with us. I think that you will learn valuable things -- "information" isn't the only thing to learn. As always I have great confidence in you!

  7. I think I have been reading your blog through all of those six years - and I bought the book.

    So congratulations on the six years!

  8. Dear Hadia,

    I wanna let you know I bought your book.

    you´re a writer!

  9. Assalamu Alaikum!
    Ramadan Kareen And Eid Mubarak..
    May Allah give you the success of this world and the next..Ameen...


  10. Best wishes for Eid and always!

  11. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Hello, just yerterday I finished reading your book, and I want to tell you that you have inspired me in a lot of ways, thanks.
    Belive it or not, since this war started I have always supported Irak.I'm from Mexico, so I kinda saw different information about the war, is more realistic a dare to say, more close to the reality of what is going on there.
    I'm really glad and happy to know that you keep writing this blog and I'm happier because I found it! You know,one of my dreams is to go to Irak, but, maybe in the future ehheehhe.

    Well Hadia, keep going because you can, God bless you a lot in everything you do!

  12. Wow! I love the new look of your page.

  13. great , you changed ur background too, all green, a vertile country, let it be so,

    beautiful picture of Mosul,

    Take care

  14. Hello, Its my 1st time to visit you blog ! , actually i liked your writing way and subjects too much , and i think you deserve to be followed.Congratulations for your engagement , enjoy your time but be back to the blog soon !.

  15. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

  16. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

  17. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

  18. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

  19. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!


  21. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

  22. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

  23. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

  24. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

  25. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

  26. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

  27. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

  28. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

  29. Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

  30. Anonymous9:10 PM


    My name is Ann Gleek. I am one of the librarians at Gahanna Lincoln High School. I read your book over the summer and was so amazed at your strength. We have a staff book club that we run where we read only YA books. We have chosen your book for our club (about 30 members) to read for March. Each month our members correspond online before our meeting. We were wondering if it would be at all possible to have you participate in our online discussion (Feb. 15-March 3) If so, please contact me at

    Thank you so much for your time.
    Keep writing such inspirational books!

    Ann Gleek
    Library Media Specialist
    Gahanna Lincoln High School
    140 S. Hamilton Rd.
    Gahanna, OH 43230


  32. Anonymous10:34 PM

    ثقافة الهزيمة.. أسكندرية ليه؟

    متحف الأسكندرية القومى والمتحف اليونانى الرومانى و متحف المجوهرات الملكية و متحف الفنون الجميلة و متحف الأحياء المائية و متحف محمود سعيد ، و قلعة قيتباى و قصر المنتزة و مكتبة الأسكندرية الجديدة و الميناء الشرقى و حديقة أنطونيادس و نصب الجندى المجهول ، ومن الآثار الرومانية الموجودة بالإسكندرية المسرح الرومانى و عمود السوارى و معبد الرأس السوداء وحمام كوم الدكة الرومانى والذى أقيم على طراز الحمامات الرومانية القديمة ، و مسجد سيدى بشر ومسجد سيدى جابر ومسجد القائد إبراهيم ومسجد المرسى أبو العباس، وكاتدرائية الكرازة المرقسية وكاتدرائية اليونانيين الأرثوذكس و كنيسة سان مارك.

    محطة الرمل وكامب شيزار وسان ستيفانو وسيدى بشر ، و طريق الجيش الممتد بمحاذاة الكورنيش ، و سى جل للأسماك فى أبوقير و بحرى، و جيلاتى عزة و جيلاتى النظامى و قدورة للأسماك فى بحرى ، و شارع سعد زغلول و شارع صفية زغلول وفول محمد أحمد و حلوانى طلعت وهريسة الحلبي و البن البرازيلى فى محطة الرمل، و حلواني صابر بالأبراهيمية، و مشويات أبن البلد بمصطفى كامل، و سان جيوفانى فى ستانلى ، و مول سان ستيفانو ، و مشويات حسنى بالمندرة ،و مشويات بلبع فى سيدى بشر قبلى، وحلواني شهد الملكة فى ميامى و فيكتوريا، وركوب الترام من غير محطة محددة فقط كى تتفرج على الأسكندرية من شباك الترام و أهل الأسكندرية الطيبين..

    هذة بعض ما تحتويه مدينة الأسكندرية من معالم سياحية و مع ذلك لا تجد مدينة الأسكندرية على خريطة المدن السياحية الجديرة بالزيارة فى مصر فى مكاتب السياحة بالخارج و التى تنظم لها رحلات سياحية…

    باقى المقال ضمن مقالات ثقافة الهزيمة بالرابط التالى:

  33. dear Hadia,
    hi imTahjze' yes i know its a weird name... im 12 and i just finished your boook... i loved it i hope u rite more books i hope u and ur husband have beautiful babies...

  34. Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!

  35. Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!

  36. Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!

  37. Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!

  38. I really enjoy reading your blog.

  39. Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!

  40. Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!

  41. hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

  42. Thank you, that was extremely valuable.

  43. hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

  44. Keep the faith, my Internet friend.

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