Tuesday, January 31, 2017

RIP part two

the military pilot get bored, he choose the prettiest house to hit with rockets

It was not clear why did the air coalition force hit the house with rockets ! why this house?why my family house?

we are living in the twenty-first century. the percentage of getting an error in hitting a target must not exceed a 1%.

Many explanations  followed the cascades; the one that I was really believe in is the one that one military officer from Mosul said; the air force intentionally harm the houses (either directly or indirectly) of well known doctors and scientist of Mosul. But looking to the other side; many houses of poor people are being hit with rockets and many bloods are shed without the presence of someone who could carry the appeals on behalf of the victims !
we are living in the world where if you want to take your right; you have to make some noise. we only hear about the victims from doctors because this is who we are and those are who we know !

Few days ago the anti-terrorism device investigate the place where the two rockets fell. they found two corpses of RUSSIAN ISIS under the wreckage of the clinics building !!!!!

So, it seems that ISIS broke the door of the clinical's building that belong also to my family and hide inside without permission but under the eyes of air force ! 

The cause of my nephew and my brother death is the one percentage possibility of error in hitting the target or it might be the unclear image from the above that make two building houses looked like a one !! I don't know if that's possible ! 
I am trying to find an answer. but whether I found it or not. this won't change the fact that two souls belong to my family are being shed unjustly.

the science said that the pain of labor is the second most painful hurt after the pain of being burned alive.but eventually the mother could forget this hurt and pain once she carried her baby !
I wonder what could ever make this mother forget and skip the hurts and pains of losing her child who was burned alive!? - Brain injury maybe !

Beyond losing the husband and son, the house, money and all their identification papers. my sister had two injured children waiting a chance to be treated and more over a broken skull ! how strong should she become to carry out all of this. 

without interring the details; my sister with her children could reach the camp after three days. the medical staff of the camp gave them the right to moved to the medical hospitals in Erbil but yet this is Kurdistan and whether you have something left in Mosul to return back to or not; you have to leave Erbil once you are treated. With this difficulties ; Mam and Dad are trying their best to find a way to get residency permission for their widow daughter and their orphans grandchildren ! 

the previous two week was hard for all of us as a family; beyond all the lost. my old nephew had to do three surgery and yet not able to use his injured leg. My sister is under medical weekly review to exclude the need of brain surgery.

My old niece "Aya" had only minor injuries, she is the only one who didn't need to stay in hospital. My parents were surprised of the way she was acting; she never asked about her brother,sister and her mother while they were in hospital. never talked about what she passed through at that night unlike her brother and sister.
I know Aya very much, I know how much she love her brothers and sister, she is more like their mother despite the fact that there is narrow age difference between them, Mam said that Aya seemed very happy to meet us after all this year and not thinking about anything else!
she might be Escaping the reality, she had enough hurts and fears. she lost her father and her very deer brother and she can't accept the idea of losing anything more! after two weeks of neglecting and acting perfectly normal; she burst into crying.

cry baby cry!
maybe your tears could wash your heart from what drape on it from fears and worries
maybe your tears could irrigate your thirsty soul to meet your loved father and brother.
maybe your tears could return your stolen childhood.
maybe your tears could tell what is hidden inside your heart, your fears that you can't talk about. and your memory that you can't get over .
maybe your tears could strengthen your weakness and give you the power to live, love and smile again!
Cry because you are human;
 because you have a heart
because your emotions should not be hidden and your liberty should not be forbidden.

To be continue



  1. great that you're still blogging... sad to read about your family. But keep on writing. Hopefully you and your family can live together in peace.

  2. ohhhhhhhhhn noooo eni :~(
    I lost my brother and nephew a few years ago to an unfortunate natural accident, both with such long lives ahead of them. This tears me apart to read. My condolences and love to you and your family.

    I can not believe I am still reading this sad story play out for your family, 12 years after I first met you all.

    This is absolutely disgusting. I've been fighting the whole time to try and change our system and how people are and oppose war and promote human rights.

    You're family has been fighting the same fight, while also trying to stay alive amidst extreme violence, instability, pollution, crazy weather and electricity shortages....

    I am so angry right now, and the news here in Australia is saying "Australian forces play important role in Mosul operations".

    Stupid war. Stupid stupid stupid war.
