Wednesday, August 25, 2004

today I waked up at 9:00 am, when my sister called : hnk, najma , it's nine o'clock,you should wake up, We will go out at nine o'clock.....aaaaaaaah, thanks god it's stop doing this, I waked up and went to the kitchen and ate my breakfast with my sister and my mother, then I went upstair to told Najma "she should wake up now" thanks god , she didn't shouting, so I chanched my clothes quickly, and went to open the door, I saw two children playing , I rememberd my self when I was in their age, what a beutiful days we lived.
We went and visited hair dresser and all the woman's talks was about the boombs ,about the game which we lose yesterday. I felt so sorry yesterday that we lose. After that We went to the shop and bought something, Najma whanted to bye pringles but I saw it made in USA not in the arabian land , So why We bye some thing made in USA , We don't have to bye??.
in our trip when we went back to our house We saw 2 camels !!!! :) that's great, I told the pepoles today, I had never seen the camel in my life, and there is it, I saw white butter fly in our garden, I feel now I am luky today, in spite of all thing good that they happend today, I have a wish, I should tell you it, I want to tell every body my wish and shout as loud I can,
I want a real freedom, I want a real democracy, I want peace all over Iraq, No fight between Iraqi peoples, No more blood, Our oil for building the new Iraq.


  1. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Hi hnk,
    I hope very much your dream will come true - and because it is a dream that so many of your country(wo)men and so many others in the world share, I am sure it will happen! I cannot begin to imagine how difficult life is right now for you all - life is so peaceful in Germany. But when you look back, we have a terrible history, full of violence and unnecessary death - and, with the help of the US and others, things did improve so very much. So don't give up hope and have a little patience. Hopefully, by the time you are a little older and start to make decisions on what to do with your own life, you will have so many more possibilities than if you hadn't gone through this difficult time. I wish you will make the best of all those possibilities!
    We're all thinking of you and the rest of Iraq's children!
    GM from Germany

    PS but Pringles taste so verrrry good :-)

  2. Anonymous9:53 PM

    I don't know if you realize this or not, but your dream is the same as our (Americans) dream. We just want you guys to be free, prosperous and democratic. We are not enemies hon.

  3. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Um, want buy Pringles because thier made in the USA.
    Well, start your own Pringles company. Your free to do as you wish aren't you? That's all part of the gift of Freedom. I can taste them now, Iraqi Pringles - um um good. I hope someday you can tell your children to live thier dreams and that anything is possible.
    Best Wishes and Sweet Dreams,
    Don from Dallas

  4. Anonymous2:05 PM


    Did you know that the US buys more goods from the rest of the world than it sells? We are not making any money on foreign trade when you consider this fact. Our buying your goods helps us both...the same with buying Pringles.

    Someday...I hope you will see us.. the way we see friends. You are right. You cannot have democracy until groups in Iraq learn that it is wrong to take power..except through voting.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Assalaamoualaikoum hnk

    At least you had a nice day. I am not sure about the pringles in Iraq but the ones here in the UL contains additives that are not halal (e471). I personally do not think that you should befiend people you do not know (americans or anyone) especially when it concerns occupation (invasion or dictatorship). Your prayers are great and show your heart.

  7. Anonymous2:57 AM


    Of course you don't have to buy pringles or anything else unless you want to; just as American's don't have to buy something made somewhere else if they don't want to. I am curious though. Is your reason because of the war, just don't like Americans or that Arab is better? Not judging, just curious. Thanks for blogging; you are doing a wonderful job.

  8. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Dear Hkk,
    I am a disappointed about your last post: freedom and democracy come from the West (and America), from the arab world come just dictatorship, beheadings of innocents, rapes, and oppression of the women (In Saudi Arabia you wouldn't be allowed to go out of your house like you do now). Sorry for the toughness.

    Fabrizio Riva - Italy

  9. no, not because of the war, I like american food, but, I don't want to buy it,coz, the money which I pay it, they killed iraqi people on it, any way,I want you to know, I never hate american people,I have an american friends ,and I learn them arabic and they learn me a lot of things, they sopport me,and help me in my blog.

    thank you all for you comment

  10. Anonymous1:59 PM

    you are a very nice person, and I didn't want to upset you, but the right and justifiable claims the Iraqis like you do against the present occupation are exploited quite by the people who want Iraq descend in an orgy of violence and destruction. These nasty people are the most of the Arabs, who are willing to sacrifice the Iraqis just to see United States defeated.

    Fabrizio Riva - Italy

  11. Anonymous2:00 PM

    you are a very nice person, and I didn't want to upset you, but the right and justifiable claims the Iraqis like you do against the present occupation are exploited quite by the people who want Iraq descend in an orgy of violence and destruction. These nasty people are the most of the Arabs, who are willing to sacrifice the Iraqis just to see United States defeated.

    Fabrizio Riva - Italy

  12. Anonymous3:12 PM


    Thank you for answering my question with such honesty; I guess I can understand your feelings as I would probably feel the same way if the situation was reversed and my country was invaded. My hope is that Iraqis can soon work together to form a stable government, instead of all the power plays that are going on now, so the Iraqi people can live in peace and security.

  13. Anonymous9:59 AM

    hnk, Lots of Americans, people from other countries and people from Iraq died to bring you and your sister and everyone in Iraq a chance for freedom and democracy. All we can do is give you the chance but you and the people of Iraq must work to keep it. To keep your freedom you must realize who is seeking to spoil your chance and steal your new freedom. Think about it...

  14. hnk,

    Congratulations for the new baby.

    Regarding not buying American products, I have a question. Are you going to stop using blogger because it's an American product? You know American people benefits from blogger's stock shares -- It's part of google. Are you going to destroy your computer because it's an American product? Are you going to stop using the internet since it was invented by the Americans?

    Trust me, American soldiers want to come back home to their families as soon as possible. The terrorist groups made everyone's effort to rebuild Iraq very hard. That's why the American soldiers are still there.

    I wish the baby lets you sleep a little bit.

  15. thank you fayrouz, she is a very nice baby, and no, she didn't let me sleep, coz I sleep with her in the same room.

  16. Anonymous1:22 AM

    hnk, i do support you, and what you feel in not purchasing american products, and i belive that you should stick to what you belive in.
    i do agree with the american idea, however i do not agree with the destructions caused by it, and i strongly feel, destruction isnt the answer, people didnt need to die, and how england got involved with all of this i dont know. what has happend cannot be undone, however you'd think that from all that has gone on in the past cenrty people who have learnt from there mistakes, dont even get me started on the new french law, not allowing children to wear head scarves in school...its ridiculous, and is bound to start something.

  17. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Hello. Americans killing Iraqis? Many Americans have died to keep FROM killing Iraqis. If our soldiers and president truly deserved the hatred that they are receiving (maybe not from you, but from some), most of those dead American soldiers would still be alive, and most Iraqis would be dead. A lot of us Americans are praying for you Iraqis, even while we pray for our soldiers.

    You say you want real freedom. I cannot imagine how you could ever have had freedom under Saddam. I hope and pray that you will know real freedom.

  18. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Hello there, hnk! I randomly found your journal looking for a leopard picture and decided to read it. It really touched me, because I've never heard the story from a true Iraqi (is that the right word?) I could only imagine how horrible it must be there, all the fighting going on! I live here in the US, but I am not very proud of it. We do some good things, but many bad. I do truly hope that the US can help in some way to restore order to your wonderful country and set up a real democracy! Don't give up on your dreams, they will come true some day, my friend!

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