Saturday, September 04, 2004

this is aya, my sister's daughter, she was born in 9-1-2004, I love this baby who doesn't let me sleep..nice baby, ha?? Posted by Hello


  1. This is really a cute baby.

    They usually cry a lot during the first three months. After that, you may get some sleep.

    But, they're always cute.

  2. Congratulations hnk to your family she is very nice

  3. thanks fayrouz, Ali,and jeff.
    I hope she will have a good friends like you in the future :)

  4. Anonymous4:34 PM

    She's beautiful. Things will get better as time goes by and she gets on a regular routine. Best wishes to you and your family.

  5. Anonymous1:01 AM

    she really is beautiful, and dont worry, when she grows up, and you always get even (kiddin!!)

  6. Anonymous1:05 AM

    hey its mea again, i was just wondering if i could link your page up to mine??

  7. "...I love this baby who doesn't let me sleep..."


    She looks very quiet in her picture...


  8. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Hello Hnk,
    What a wonderful photograph of your new family member. Just think, when your neice is older you can tell her that you made her famous. Because people all over the world have seen her as she sweetly sleeps.
    I smile at her from Atlanta USA.

    My wish for a wonderful life of democracy,

  9. A Seun Production, ofcours you can link me, and thank you alot for your nice comment

    Mark Bahner,she look quiet in her picture, yes, but I think she was still confus,and not understanding what happend around her, we took pictures for her all the time, whenever she make any new movement, or take any pause.

    thank you all anonymous for your comments, I was so happy when I read your comment.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Good morning, Aunty HNK :-) You have a lovely niece. By the way, are you having fun with the Sims game? I sure would like to see some pictures.


  12. Congratulations!! Your baby niece is beautiful! I'm enjoying your blog, and I pray for peace, freedom, and happiness for you and all Iraqis.

  13. thank you M.S for you comment, it's nice to hear that you like my blog.

    lura I have fun in the sims game but I still don't know where should I put it, I try to put them in downlod file , just arabean's sims work, but the other sites are not work.

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  16. Anonymous10:38 PM

    It's so inspiring to read your blog. I share your sentiments. N'ways chin up!

    baby sleep problem

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