Saturday, February 11, 2006

Hi !!

Did I mention that I will go to Baghdad and the road is UN safe?
Well, I think I did.
HEY! Guess what?
I 'm back.
I checked my E-mail and I got Zero new mail. That’s made me feel I'm a very important person. I can change the world in a word.
We were lucky that the road was good. But of course I am tired now.
Huh. I missed my bed, my computer, Aya, and the Internet. I was completely out of the world.

Tomorrow is a big day for me. I have to go to school and get my mid_examination's marks.
I am terrified; I am not ready not at all.

The driver who took us to Mosul didn't stop talking about Gas and gasoline problems and about the price of meet. What happened to this guy? I couldn't sleep and I had a headache beside that I don't know what happened to my neck, I can't move it easy, It's hurt me a little.

OK, I will press Publish post now with out checking what I wrote with somebody. Because this body is angry now. I know I have a lot of mistakes but come on who read anyway?

your only hope in this world


  1. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I'm glad to see you had a safe trip. You said you have to go back to school and are not ready. I have to go back to work and I'm not ready either. I wish someone could go in my place.

  2. We love you hnk :)

    Glad your trip was safe, I hope you had fun as well!

  3. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I think you have many people who read your blog. It is one of the most interesting blogs on the internet. In your blog we get a little of everything. Happiness, sadness, comedy,love of family and much more.You should feel very important. How many other girls your age have a following of people from all over the earth. I look forward to reading your blog.

  4. Anonymous7:34 AM

    The words to change the world.

    Love & Respect

    Love to read your blog and respect you as a person.

    Good luck on your exams.

    Don Form Dallas

  5. Hello Hnk!!
    I'm glad that you are back. :) Next time you go on a trip, I will send you an email. :) Try not to be too scared about your test results. I know you are a very smart person, so I think you will get good marks! Sorry your neck is hurting. I hope it will get better quickly.

  6. I read your blog!

    Please keep blogging!

  7. I love your sign-off line "your only hope in the world". Ha! That doesn't sound grumpy at all.

    I'm glad you got back home so safely.

    You know many people read your blog, HNK. We always look foward to your posts. With Najma becoming more and more of a journalist (which is good), I look foward to your more personal take on things.

    Take care of Aya and yourself.

  8. I hope your graes on exams were good. Are you going to keep us in suspense?

    Do you know the blogger "Sunshine" in Mosul? Her blog is silent, and so is her mother's blog, and there was some report that her mother was to have surgery.
