Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It's my life

Hi All,

Days of my life

The holiday doesn't seem too bad; I went outside the house once so far.
I am sleeping enough, I have enough time to watch TV, I can play with Aya as much I want to.

Yesterday, My friend Maas visited me. It was a pleasure to see her away from school. we talked, ate and watched some Photo Albums. I spent a good time with her.
She was hoping to see Aya, but Aya didn't visit us yesterday.

Aya came today, she is still cute and nice but not all the time, sometimes when she wants to do something she do it without caring if it was right or not. Mam often prevents her from doing whatever she wants and that makes her angry and she begins to cry. And here we have to ignore her as what Super nanny said. That's hard, really really hard. When she cries, my heart begins to cry with her. I can't see her tears, she is too small to carry out all the orders.

Aya found an orange the other day, she was so excited and was trying to peel the orange with her bare hands. Of cource, she couldn't, and so, she started to weep. In a try to stop the weeping, I turned on some music that she likes.. As a result, Aya was both, crying and clapping at the same time.. That was so STRANGE.

My Dad often turns the TV on cartoons for Aya, But it looks like he is used to watch cartoons. The other day, I found myself and my Dad watching Tom & Jerry, while Ays was busy doing something else.

Worries, feeling and needs:
We are going to Baghdad next Friday; I am a little worried about what is waiting for us in the road. I heard from some people that the road from Mosul to Baghdad takes about 10 hours, but I also heard that some people needed 6 hours to reach Baghdad.
So, It's about luck, If there are many American convoys, we will need more time.

I am a little sad right now, I went with my father to take my sister back to her house, we went to the hospital and waited till she finished her work, It was about 6:15. Since many months, I haven't been outside the house at such a late time. The night, the moon, the streets and the people look different. I had a strange feeling. For just a moment, my memories came back, and filled me with happiness especially that the radio was turned on at an Iraqi channel and there was an Iraqi song that I didn't like before today.
Before we reached the house, our neighbour called my father on his cellphone and told him that he noticed that my father's car is not in the garage and he was worried about what kept him late till this hour, 6:30 .

Are you laughing? Because sometimes when I think seriously about it, I begin to laugh with my tears falling on my cheeks.

The problem is not about the time; it's about the water, the electricity and the danger around us. It's about our future and our history.

Many many years after 2006:
Aya will come from her school crying
  • - why are you crying my dear Aya?
  • - I didn't do well on my history examination today
  • - why?
  • - the question was about the name of the leader who lead Iraq for 20 years till the occupation. It's a hard question; I don't know his name. wahhhhh wahhhhh wahhh.
  • - *confused*


  1. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Sounds like you had a very good time with Aya. I am on a 2 week vacation so I know what you mean. I feel like the time is mine to do as I please. Instead of having to be somewhere I don't want to be, doing something I don't want to do.
    Enjoy your time. Keep writing.

  2. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Dear HNK,
    thank you for your comment in my blog.

    All babies are cute (when they want to be!) and they are SO cleavy. My baby cousin is only 6 months old, but it seems like she knows exactly what you mean when you speak!

    I wish you so much joy in your life. You are always in my thoughts,
    Take care, Seun

  3. I hope things go better for you now that all your exams are over. Whew, it seems like you had a lot. Vacation can be a good cooling off period. I also hope you get the electricity and everything else you need.

    Aya sounds like every other baby. They always have to have their own way! Looking foward to more posts. Take care.

  4. Hi Hnk,

    I am glad that you and Maas had an enjoyable visit together. :)

    I can imagine Aya with the orange. I sometimes play with my cousin's children. Somehow, I seem to understand their needs. I probably would have sat with Aya and helped her to peel the orange.

    I watched Tom and Jerry when I was a kid. I am a little surprised that your father likes to watch it. Tom is such a bad cat! Always trying to be mean to Jerry. :)

    I hope that you will all have a safe trip to Baghdad. Have a great time visiting Raghda and Dalia!

  5. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Hi hnk, I know what you are going through with aya. austin just turned 2 and he is very dramatic about everything.

  6. Anonymous5:05 PM

    hi hnk
    this is very sad for me to comment on the life of a young girl on Iraq. Hnk I am not a very good student as you but I feel pain when I thought about your misery .Hnk, I am a Indian an completely against this war .


  7. Anonymous11:53 AM

    nice to know about u

  8. Anonymous11:54 AM

    nice to know about u
