Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Electricity dependent studying...

Well, that’s the way it is.No electricity mean no fine studying, no fine studying = no high marks, and no high marks = good bye my future.

Isn’t it bad to find your life controlled by electricity!!

I really feel guilty if I will not study when the electricity turn on after along day of studying, ended with studying at the light of chargable beam!! How could I leave this opportunity when I have a big chance of studying in normal light!!

That’s torture me, because It turned on when I was managing to go to bed, and I stand up not knowing what to do!! Probably such a chance ended with turning the light and go to bed!! Maybe my dream that night will be clearer than ever and shiny like it was never be!!

It’s not restricted by studying alone; it’s controlled our abnormal life.

when we are planning to go outside door and it turn on, mom often change her mind and decided not to go, she would probably prefer to do house works that need electricity!! She sometimes called the work’s place and takes the day off!!

So, they are: Times and energy who are my big enemies during my examinations.

I found my self in compete with one; against one of them. Which is something driving me crazy. Go to bed at 11 PM, and adjusted many alarms to wake me up, 30 minute between each, leaving the light on so when I awake, I can see if the electricity was on; so I’ll prepare myself for another hard studying, and if it was not, I’ll go to my warm bed AGAIN!!

It’s really pathetic. Having electricity will solve many of Iraqi’s problems!! And we really have many.

P.s: Eid mubarak to all muslims all around the world and to all iraqi, a special wishes for better future and better tomorrow.