As far as I knew; this is my married golden cage. As a matter of fact; it used to be mine !
while I am trying to accept the idea that i lost my apartment after ISIS getting control of my belongs and properties. I woke up to the news from one neighbor of us in Mosul,that a family from ISIS are living in what was called our house !!!!!!!!!!
while I am living this non settlement ; there is a women (ISIS's wife) cooking on my kitchen!
using my own spoons and folks ! sleeping on my bed and spreading her poison everywhere.
For this obtrusive ISIS;
Don't wear my clothes! my wedding dress cost me days to find, don't touch it.
Keep it virgin as it was, pure from violent, hatred and malignity.
Don't threw out my photo albums !
Pictures are all what left from my past, Don't thrust on my broken heart.
Don't cancel my history, Don't smash my presence..
Don't sit on my sofa, don't sit where I used to think of my plans and dreams.
Don't sit where my plans were stand and where my dreams fear to proceed.
Don't treat on a ground that I used to pray on !
don't distort my Islam with your dirty deeds.
I never felt peace inside that apartment but I am not feeling home without.
The idea of hard work and money saved that my husband did are going now for the serve of one terrorist is killing me !
أن تسأل الدار إن كانت تذكرنا
أم أنها نسيت إذ أهلها رحلوا
أن تسأل السقف هل مازال منتصبًا
فوق الجدار شموخًا رغم ما فعلوا
أم أنها ركعت للأرض ساجدة
تشكو إلى الله في حزن وتبتهل
هيهات يا دار أن تصفو الحياة بنا
ويرجع الجمع بعد النأي مكتمل
لكن روحي ستبقى فيها ساكنة
ما لي بأطمة لا شاة ولا جمل
What justice I am expecting from the world! when the only way to get my revenge from ISIS is to bombard my apartment !
What justice I am expecting from united nation high commissioner for refugees when after more that two year of registration, I get nothing but a printed paper of asylum seeker certificate !
I am fighting my own battle alone and I am feeling hopeless from everyone including myself.
I feel fully tired. Pains are accumulating inside my soul. Past memories passing as a shadow in front of my eyes and giving me nothing except hurt !
There is no hope I can hold and no dream I can catch.
" I can't be seen,
can't be felt,
can't be heard, can't be smelt.
it lies behind stars and under hills ,
and empty holes it fills."
could your bias allow you to put yourself in my place,
What will you feel if:
Your school and college were bombed,
the hotel where you held your wedding party was erased from the ground.
your house was taken by ISIS and is being lived by some of them !
you find no place to live in peace with your humanity inside your own country,
you fled your country to start living as a refugee in other country that barring your work permission.
you didn't see your sisters for years, didn't heard anything from some of your friend since you had left, some of your relatives are in Mosul and living under the injustice of ISIS and you can't help them !
you have to live away from your husband most of the days during the week.
and you have a toddler that you have to raise as everything is quit normal !
how was that?
stand by my side and share my appeal
while I am living this non settlement ; there is a women (ISIS's wife) cooking on my kitchen!
using my own spoons and folks ! sleeping on my bed and spreading her poison everywhere.
For this obtrusive ISIS;
Don't wear my clothes! my wedding dress cost me days to find, don't touch it.
Keep it virgin as it was, pure from violent, hatred and malignity.
Don't threw out my photo albums !
Pictures are all what left from my past, Don't thrust on my broken heart.
Don't cancel my history, Don't smash my presence..
Don't sit on my sofa, don't sit where I used to think of my plans and dreams.
Don't sit where my plans were stand and where my dreams fear to proceed.
Don't treat on a ground that I used to pray on !
don't distort my Islam with your dirty deeds.
I never felt peace inside that apartment but I am not feeling home without.
The idea of hard work and money saved that my husband did are going now for the serve of one terrorist is killing me !
أن تسأل الدار إن كانت تذكرنا
أم أنها نسيت إذ أهلها رحلوا
أن تسأل السقف هل مازال منتصبًا
فوق الجدار شموخًا رغم ما فعلوا
أم أنها ركعت للأرض ساجدة
تشكو إلى الله في حزن وتبتهل
هيهات يا دار أن تصفو الحياة بنا
ويرجع الجمع بعد النأي مكتمل
لكن روحي ستبقى فيها ساكنة
ما لي بأطمة لا شاة ولا جمل
What justice I am expecting from the world! when the only way to get my revenge from ISIS is to bombard my apartment !
What justice I am expecting from united nation high commissioner for refugees when after more that two year of registration, I get nothing but a printed paper of asylum seeker certificate !
I am fighting my own battle alone and I am feeling hopeless from everyone including myself.
I feel fully tired. Pains are accumulating inside my soul. Past memories passing as a shadow in front of my eyes and giving me nothing except hurt !
There is no hope I can hold and no dream I can catch.
" I can't be seen,
can't be felt,
can't be heard, can't be smelt.
it lies behind stars and under hills ,
and empty holes it fills."
could your bias allow you to put yourself in my place,
What will you feel if:
Your school and college were bombed,
the hotel where you held your wedding party was erased from the ground.
your house was taken by ISIS and is being lived by some of them !
you find no place to live in peace with your humanity inside your own country,
you fled your country to start living as a refugee in other country that barring your work permission.
you didn't see your sisters for years, didn't heard anything from some of your friend since you had left, some of your relatives are in Mosul and living under the injustice of ISIS and you can't help them !
you have to live away from your husband most of the days during the week.
and you have a toddler that you have to raise as everything is quit normal !
how was that?
stand by my side and share my appeal