Monday, April 25, 2005

I will not wait any more

Guess what happened to your friend Hnk?

She got E3faa in all subjects.

OH YEAH, I did it.

I know I did not post from a long time and you missed me so much "so am I"

well I'llt talk about my new school, it's a good school, we have a large yard and therefore I lose my friends all the time, and spend the space time looking for them, then I find Najma who always ask me "why you are not walking with your friends?".
But the problem is our classroom and many other classes have a windows which is facing the street. So when the bullets begin to rain we don't know what to do.

I told you before that I have a problem with physics. Our Physics teacher removed the least mark we had it in the exams. So I got 100,100 and 95 so the mark be at the end 98.

Oh, last week was really bad, we couldn't reach home at time. We often had to leave the car somewhere and go home on foot. "Now I know why my weight is less by 4 kilos".

what do you want me to talk about? I have many things to talk about

The situation is so bad. It's getting worse by time. But we didn't care about our lifes and went out of the house to a picnic with the family.

My English teacher told us to write something about our future and what we want to be in the future. I gave her my homework and she read it and laughed, but she didn't give me any comment :( I will wait till tomorrow and we will see.

Oh I remember I will not go to school tomorrow. All the girls who get E3faa in all subjects didn't come to school from Sunday except me and 2 others girls. So the teacher said that these girls are studying to have full marks not to be educated persons.

I took some sweet with me to school to give it to the teachers. I entered the teachers' room and my legs began to tremble. First teacher looked at me and ask me "Is (A) is your aunt?" I said yes, and she said I saw you when you were a little girl in her house (thanks God she didn't begin to tell me how much a cute girl I was). The next teacher began to speak how a polite girl I am. The next teacher asked me why I would give them sweet (of course it was because of my success). The next teacher stood up and told all the teacher I am Najma's sister. (And the next teacher, and the next teacher AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. They make me crazy.

Yesterday, the computer's teacher came to my class and told the English teacher that she wants me (who me? I am Najma's sister). The English teacher asked: "Najma's sister come here! They want you here." I went there and then the computer's teacher said to the English teacher "she (she meant me) doesn’t' like to be called Najma's sister", the English teacher said "I know". How cute teachers!

I want to learn how to speak French good this vacation, but I don't know how?

I want to learn many things, but I do not know how to learn them and I do not know if there is enough time to learn them all.

Two days before was Najma's birthday. I couldn't go out of the house and that was the cause why I didn't buy a gift for her and therefore I asked her to choose three kinds of sweet to make it for her. So I cooked cream puffs and cream caramel and other one which I don't know it's name in Arabic to know it in English.

That's all what I have

Good bye

Friday, April 15, 2005

Other post

Salam all,
wow, I have only a week and finish my school, and after this week there were two possibility: not have an examinations in all my course, or have an exam in French.
I had French exam next Sunday. And I really need to have a great mark on it.
aya's mother will go back to her work soon, so Aya need someone to take care of her while her mother will be at work, and because my mother can't stop her work at the university. I should take care of her. I am happy but I feel little afraid .
Aya grow up so fast. And she begin more active day after day.
I am not in a good mind to write, but I have a lot of things I want to write.BUT I will go now and I will write to you next week " as I hope". Readers who are interested:
like my new page on facebook : IraqiGirl Diary
Contact me on :

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

اشتعلت نار الحرب

أريد اليوم أن ابدأ الكلام بحروف أبجدية
حتى أنني لا أعلم ما هي
ولكنها تنبعث من قلبي بمعاني فضية
وتظل تقول أنها على ديانة حنيفة
لقد أثارتني تلك المعاني الفضية
وبثتني لأخوض مسابقةحاسوبية
تتحدث عن حضارات تاريخية
ونسيت ان اتحدث عن تلك الاحداث الماضية
والتي حدثت قبل صبح وعشية
نحن الان على استعداد لخوض مسابقة حربية
ولكنها في الاساس حرب نفسية
استهدفت الاسلام والديانة المسيحية
وفرضت الصهيونية واليهودية
هل انني بعد زمان سأمتلك خواصا حسية؟
واستمع الى تلك الامسيات الشعرية؟
ام انني سانفى من البشرية؟
لا ادري ما هي نهاية القضية
من الاولى ان تنتهي بنتيجة ايجابية
لا حوادث لا اشعاعات نووية
لا منشورات لا مسموعات صوتية
لا مغريات بالوان زاهية
سنكون نحن العرب متوحدين سوية
ونمتلك حرية التعبير الديمقراطية
تضرب فينا الامثال ولا القبائل الخزرجية
ان جميع الكتب السماوية
التي نزلت لهداية البشرية
توضح لنا ما هي النهاية الحتمية
ان يوم القيامة كان امرا مقضية
والان وقد مر شهر على كتابة تلك السطور الزخرفية
نبدأ لنوجز ما حل في تلك الايام المقضية
لقد تخطى العدوان جميع البنى التحتية
واستخدم اعنف الاجهزة التكنلوجية
ولقد تعرضت بغداد الى قصف عنيف وخاصة حي الاعظمية
ادى الى تساقط العشرات من النساء والشيوخ والفتية
سبحان الله الذي جعل الناس يكلمون من كان في المهد صبية
سبحانه هو الذي رد كيدهم واذاقهم عذابا مرية
من نيران عراقية وبرطانية وامريكية
لقد دمرت تماثيل صدام و دمرت معها التماثيل الوثنية
ونهبت المدارس والمراكز الحكومية
و نهبت الدوائر والقصور الرأسية
ونهبت المختبرات والكلية الطبية
ونهبت المكاتب والمراكز العلمية
ونهبت البنوك والمتاحف الاثرية
آثار الحضارات البابلية والاكدية والآشورية
هذه الآثار التي لا تقدر باي عمل نقدية
والتي وصل بعضها الى الحدود الاردنية
ونحن نطالب بارجاعها الى مواطنها الاصلية
وكما يبدو اننا سنداوم بدلا من العطلة الصيفية
وهذه احدى المشاكل التي خلفتها الامبريالية الامريكية
نحن الآن ننام على صوت الطلقات النارية
بالرغم من اللجان والسهرات الليلية
التي يفوم بها رجال الحي على مختلف دياناتهم الطائفيه
وبذلك تتمثل روح التعاون في الاعمال الشعبية
تتجول معظم السيارات الكردية
بالتعاون مع القوات الامريكية
في موصل و بغدادوبابل واربيل والسليمانية
باعتقادها اننا نمتلك اسلحة كيمياوية
وكذلك تقوم باعتقال الاسرى وبعض القوات العسكرية
وتقول انها تعاملهم وفقا لمعاهدة جنيف والتي تدعوالى معاملتهم بطريقة انسانية

مر شهران ونحن نعيش حياة مأساوية
لا يعلم كيف ستنتهي الا رب البشرية
وبأعتقادي ان الحرب لم تقم الا لدوافع وفوائد نفطية
وليس كمل يقول الامريكان انها حرب عفوية
نرى في التلفاز مشاهد ستصبح يوما تاريخية
ولربما اصبحت قصة العراق شبه اسطورية
تعذيب ابرياء على يد اقرباء صدام لدوافع لم تكن يوما امنية
بل هي دوافع معظمها شخصية

to be continue Readers who are interested:
like my new page on facebook : IraqiGirl Diary
Contact me on :

Saturday, April 09, 2005


Yesterday was a really bad day. It began as usual. The first course we had physics examination and I get 25/25. The second course we had a history examination (It was the last history examination In all my life). After that we had a geography.
The teacher entered the class and I ask her a small question and she said
- I will not answer you because last examination that you have done I ask you and other girls If you had a mobile and you said NO and I knew that you had but you didn't accept to take me it.
-(I said) I don't have one
- I know you have. I was not sure but know I am.
I asked her to check my bag to because from my saying, but she said (may be you don't take it with you today but that day you did)
after a long of speech. I discovered that I am a liar and I don't listen to the teacher's order
ah. I swear that I don't have a mobile and I didn't take one with me into the school.
But what could I do and I didn't. I tell her the truth that I don't have one but she didn't believe me.
After that I began to cry and my friends (well not only my friends, they were all the girls in my class) came to me and said that they know that I don't have one, and they ask me not to listen to the teacher's .
well I am feeling so bad till now. ( How poor??)
Today I wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning and after I pray (صلاة الصبح) I began writing and studying my home work but I stopped at 7:30 when The electricity turn off so I slept till 10 o'clock. After two o'clock we went to the north with my uncle and have a great time there but when we came back home there was a surprise waiting us.
We reached the traffic light, there was a burned car with parts of it everywhere.. The windows of the bakery were all broken, and the policemen didn't let us go in the street because the Americans were coming to pass through it. The policeman told my father to not using this road and go back but my father told him that our house is there so the policeman said this is your responsibility . we went back home safe. but it was a really bad surprise.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

This is a picture from my class . from where I spent 5 hours of my time every day.This red bag is mine. and the large Book is a french book that we studied with. Posted by Hello

This view is what you will see if you look out of the windows from my class. and by the way this building was our old school. Posted by Hello

This is the blackboard in our class, where me and maas wrote our names on it today. Posted by Hello

The stairs in my new school Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 02, 2005

heh ..heh ..heh

Hello all,
How are you all? Good?,, let's begin :)
We went to Al-majmauaa today(something like a shop). Me, Najma, and Aya and her mother and her grand mother. Aya showed a lot of intelligent there, she didn't stop talking in her language and guess what she learned how to clap her hand yesterday. Oh children How did they grow fast !!!
Anyway, there we meet another family which have a child older than Aya, He saw aya and said (Dada... dada... dada) and pointed to her, she responding with him and began to talk. So that was cute, but I don't thing his parents saw that cute " they are not cute".
Guess what I bought????
Sami yusuf's song. Is they are these songs which I always put their links in my blog.
BTW, I took a picture for my new school but they are not clear. So when they took us to it I will bring my camera again and take it a pictures for you to see it.
